Sunday, November 22, 2009

25 Burpees and BW Squats

Anything with this many burpees goes on the "suck" list by default.


  1. WODoers -

    This one was one of the worst, mental battle royale!

    4 rounds plus 22 burpees, finished out the last three horrible awful burpees in another 27 seconds. Then I was on my back for perhaps the longest time ever. Those damn burpees.

    1 - 3:13 (I'm thinking "this isn't too bad, 5 rounds for sure!)
    2 - 4:45 (this train is slowing down!)
    3 - 4:56
    4 - 4:49
    Round 5 burpees - whatever was left

  2. Any WOD where 50 burpees are done in the first 5 minutes is not your friend.

  3. WODoers:

    This sucks. I am at 205# lately. I realized I was counting calories wrong on my post wod smoothie. I was actually geting 50g protein, 18g fat, and between 60 and 70g of carbs. Whoops! That's what you get for eyeballing and not measuring. I am adjusting it way down. 40g protein, 10g fat, and 25g carbs. Hopefully will keep the strenght gains and dump the 5 extra pounds, think it is half muscle and half fat cause pants still fit good.

    I tried this wod with 185# front squats, cause no rack, that lasted two reps and I fell down. Had to adjust down to 135# front squats, still sucked ass.

    3 rounds + 20 burpees, finished last 5 at 20:55

    Fletcher, kick ass numbers today!

  4. This is not a WOD that should be done the day after drinking beers at a hockey game. It's just not a good mix. I felt nauseous the entire time. Didn't feel strong at all today, but I sucked it up for 20 minutes.

    4 Rounds with 3 seconds to spare. The mere thought of doing just one more burpee made me want to puke. Nice job Craig & Justin.

    Here's my split times just because I love to play with my iPhone. Can you guess which round I almost threw up in??

    BW 188 today

    R1 4:26 * Kill me now
    R2 5:45 * WTF?
    R3 5:24 * Have another beer dumb ass
    R4 4:20 * Running out of time hurry up and finish

    Time for some football. Later guys!

  5. Way to go fellas! Kook, you could sub 1.5BW-Deads for BW-Squats too.

    Weighed in at 230 this morning, down 10 from about 6 weeks ago, but the same as last week. Did squats at 235.

    3 Rounds + 21 burpees, finished out the 25 after the clock ran out.

    Then I did deads, topped out at 385.

  6. ooh got to love those burpees. I finished 5 rounds and just said no more. Then taught class to 25 members today, a new record for the gym. Nice performance Fletcher I had the same thoughts. I even thought 6 would be possible at the beginning, until round 3 came then quickly adjusted my target to 5. Man I have to get good at the burpees. I
    Hate burpees, Myles

  7. Good job guys. Not that it matters, but my vow from a while ago and true again today, is that the chest hits the floor on all burpee reps. Also maybe (but probably not) of interest is that I alternate every 5 reps: regular hand position and then military style, where your elbows pinch your sides, which forces the triceps and shoulders to do more work. Just part of my trying to strengthen the shoulders.

    Myles, good to see your post! 25 clients all at once? That is awesome!! The word is getting out about CrossFit Avalanche. By the time your one year lease is up you might have to expand!

  8. Myles your gym sounds amazing, the proof is in the pudding on that one, 25 members is bada$$.

    This WOD was a freaking slayer. Knocked me on my a$$ after sleeping 3 hours in a recliner at the fire station last night. I'd rather put a pistol to my temple rather then do this WOD again any time soon.

    Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:
    25 Burpees
    Body weight back squat (170lbs), 15 reps

    5 Rounds +4 Burpees (All Burpee sets unbroken!)

    4:00, 4:00, 4:00, 4:00, 4:00

    I would shoot for a round every 3:30 and then rest 30 seconds at the end. Worked well.

    Rest then...

    30 Mega Muslce-ups (Not for time!)
    *1 Mega Muscle-ups is 1 false grip ring pull-up, into 1 muscle-up, into 1 ring dip. ALl in one continuous movement.

    Felt good afterwards.


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