Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cindy or Mary or Grace


  1. WODoers:

    I finally got my bar last night, so the only WOD I could really think of doing was Grace. She a good girl and she worked me over. I got 3:08 for a PR by 12 seconds and I think I may have done 31 reps, so stoked about the pr.

    I've been on one of those $1500 oly platforms in Cheyenne, and it is sweet, but I think my $90 worth of 3/4" stall mats from Tractor Supply works just fine for me.

  2. Worked on some oly lifting c&j 245lb then went for 265f then 255f shoulda switched it. 245 is ok for now

  3. Decided to try Mary for the first time. HSPU's were full ROM, but I can't say the same for the pistols. They were pretty hard and I had to use a bench about 16" high. This one worked you just as good if not harder than Cindy.

    7 Rounds + 5 HSPU's, not great but it's a starting point.

  4. Myles, just saw a video of you doing that on Facebook. That was badassyness.

  5. Was feeling a little dead yesterday, so I took the 5k off and will have to make that up tomorrow. But, I felt more refreshed tonight.

    I vagina'ed out with Cindy. Fletch's strict pacing method outlined earlier seemed to help. Shot for a 1 round per minute pace, but fell off at about the 10th minute.

    5 Pullups
    10 Pushups
    15 Squats

    Total = 17 + 5PU/10PU, 18 in 20:17

    Almost a full round improvement over last time. Plus, I switched to 185# pulldowns in the middle of the workout last time. So, I'm counting this one as another successful WOD.

  6. Myles solid! That's impressive as hell.

    5 Rounds for time of:
    800m Run
    10 Deadlifts, 225lbs

    Jacob 19:19

    Didn't feel like a 5K, wanted to lift something.


    1 Round every minute for 10 minutes of:
    3 Power Cleans, 185lbs
    5 Burpees
    7 CTB Pull-ups

    The second one sucked the life out of me.


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