Sunday, November 29, 2009


21 40# dumbell snatch right arm
21 L-pullup
21 40# dumbell snatch left arm
21 L-pullup

3 rounds for time


  1. WODoers: No 40# dumbell for me, so I subbed an empty 45# olympic bar. Fuck this was harder than last time. The bar was so awkward by the end I thought I would fall down on every rep. Took me eight minutes longer than it did with dumbell in February. L-pullups on rings as rx'd.

    TT= 42:43

    To me, the only acceptable work outs for tomorrow are deadlift 3x5 or light jog 5k.

  2. First time with Joshie and with dumbbell snatches. Took a little bit to get the technique down. I almost fell on my ass a couple times. I split up the L-pullups with the rings and the bar. Rings are definitely alot harder. My abs are going to be sore tomorrow.

    For my sake, I certainly hope there are no more deadlifts tomorrow. The 55 I did yesterday were more than enough.

    R1 13:14
    R2 12:10
    R3 11:22

    TT: 36:46

    I guess I was more efficient in the later rounds once I got the snatch down.


  3. Good job guys. I just can't go today.

    Since the "incident" I fell behind, did the DU/GHD/BE WOD on the rest day, then did a double yesterday ending with the lunges, and my abs, legs, and glutes (from those lunges) are just completely shot. I must rest today, doing an intense WOD like Linda or Joshie today would just be stupid I think.

    Plus, my "Lil' Buddy" isn't totally gone. Linda with all the DL's and squat leans or today's with all of the snatch squats would bring back the Lil' Buddy, I'm afraid.

    I can say that what was once a marble is no a pea. Don't you love discussing the health of my butt?

  4. Justin, you actually did 120 one-handed (squat) snatches with a 7 foot long 45 lb bar? THAT is impressive and tenacious, to say the least. You are a baaaaad man.

  5. This guy thinks 45 lbs is heavy and that going all of the way up to 5 reps per arm is big time, and he's not doing full snatches, just power snatches. CrossFit is cruel, and we love it. What would a trainer like this say about this WOD here?

  6. TT = 32:04 (8:50 - 11:46 - 11:22)

    Did this one this morning, wanted to quit halfway through (I'm sure you did too). The snatches weren't too bad, good metcon, hard on the glutes and legs cos of that damn 400M lunge walk. I don't know about you guys, but I got surprisingly sore from that thing.

    That many L Pullups so soon after 120 GHDs was nasty. I have been noticing a trend lately of pounding the same muscle group through a whole cycle!

    Started the WOD with the space heater on and a thick sweatshirt. Ended it with no heater and shirtless!

    Replaced the old wooden garage gym closet doors with mirrored ones, which is sort of gay, but also good for form checking, made me get ass below knees for all reps so for that it's cool.

    Might do Linda tomorrow?

  7. And Justin, I am inspired by the fact that you did those snatches with the oly bar. You're a crazy one. You've been reading that Teddy Roosevelt speech haven't you? ;-)

  8. I only have a 45lb dumbell. Finished 24:18. Damn Justin way to get it with the bar. I wish I would have done the 400 m lunges to experience your pain fletcher. I will do it maybe tomorrow, it sounds fun. Gonna wait 15 minutes and do the front squats.

  9. "Joshie"

    Complete three rounds for time of:
    45 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
    21 L Pull-ups
    45 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
    21 L Pull-ups

    Jacob 27:27

    Legs just starting to feel normal again, still not ready fo front squats though.


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