Sunday, September 27, 2009

AMRAP 95# Thruster, HPC, SDHP


  1. WODoers:

    Did 30 muscle ups for time, because of a scheduling conflict with my gym that is about to be resolve with a cancelation of my gym membership and order from Rouge fitness.


    No Pr, but I attribute some of the slowness to the 10 attempts I gave the slow motion muscle up before starting. I am so damn close to gettin that fucker.

  2. WOD #1

    (Variation of CFFB WOD today)

    Desending ladder for time of: (10, 9, 8...etc):
    Kettle Bell Swings, 2 pood
    Sprint, 40 yards

    Jacob 7:55

    Rest as needed then...

    WOD #2

    3 Attempts at max rep effort: (Rest between movements as needed.)
    Bodyweight Bench Press, reps
    Knees to Elbows, reps
    Chest to Bar Pull-ups, reps

    BP 10-10-12 (180lbs)
    KTE 35-35-36
    PU 25-25-12

    Rest as needed then...

    Forced March

    Holding a 45lb plate, walk as far as you can until you quit. You can only hold the plate below the shoulders, and you can't stop moving for any reason.

    Jacob 2 Miles, 45lb Plate

    Shane 400m, 45lb Plate

    Charlie (6yrs, 50lbs) 750m, 5lb Plate

    Jack (10yrs, 80lbs) 1800m, 10lb Plate

    Even the neighborhood kids got in on this one. Gotta start em off early. It was a blast.

  3. Did this one last night after the snatches.

    8 rounds + 4 Thrusters in 20 minutes

    Started out going from thrusters to cleans with no rest on first couple rounds, with slight rest to reset hands for SDHP. Was gassed at about the 15 minute mark, but pushed on through.

  4. Nice work Mike! I was going to do this one this morning but my lower back is still tweaked so I thought Helen sounded like a better menu choice. I will come back to this nasty bitch though, I still haven't finished this one yet, and it's the only WOD I've ever had to quit on!


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