Wednesday, September 2, 2009



  1. WODoers: My legs are shot. Still in pain from 400m lunge. Takes me fifteen seconds to bend down and pick up the dog's food bowl first thing in the morning.

    10:02 about thirty seconds slower than last time. Fucking squat cleans took me forever.

  2. Was back in MT over the weekend - had a friend getting married along with some other stuff going on as well. Flew home late Thursday night and back late Monday night. Did Saturday's WOD last night, and will be catching up throughout the week.

    While home (splitting and stacking wood for Ma) I thought up a WOD - virtual wood chopping/stacking.

    25 15# Ball throw-downs
    15 45# db cleans
    50 foot 45# db farmer walk

    Maybe about 4 rounds for time? Can't be any dumber than virtual shoveling.

  3. "Elizabeth"

    21-15-9 reps of:
    Clean 135 pounds
    Ring dips

    Jacob 7:15 (PR)

    Next time sub 7 minutes!

  4. Can you say legs? It's a beautiful day outside for the 5K. Looking forward to it.

    TT: 10:50(pr)

    Later fellas.

  5. Did this in 8:20 today. New PR by over 2 minutes. Not full squats on the cleans, but it doesn't say squat cleans. Just throwing it up and gettin it on! What are everyones thoughts on the cleans??

  6. I went over this a vew times when first starting with CrossFit. the default definition when not specified for "Clean" is always a Squat Clean. Only when other moves are specified, such as power clean, hang power clean, etc. do you deviate from the squat clean.

    So, Elizabeth calls for full squat cleans. See the video on the site.

    Also, look here on coach Bergner's Site.

    where it says "Regardless of at what height the bar is first secured on the shoulders, if the athlete squats during the receipt and recovery, it is a clean. The term "squat clean" is redundant. Don't say it."

  7. ok, good to know. I tried to watch the video prior to but internet connection here blows.

  8. Still catching up. No rings, so weighted subs mixed in with extra dips.

    21 cleans, 16 25# weighted dips, 31 dips
    15 cleans, 11 25# weighted dips, 19 dips
    9 cleans, 6 25# weighted dips, 12 dips

    TT = 18:33

    Had a fantasy football draft before WOD, ate too much, no beer though. Pukey was looking over my shoulder the whole way through. Rough night at the gym last night.


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