Saturday, September 5, 2009


Saturday 090905
Clean and Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.


  1. Full Squats today.


    Felt good today.

  2. 135-155-175-180-185-190(pr)-190

    Oh look 2 of my favorite things on the menu today. Running and Burpees!! That's a whole bunch of SUCK right there.

  3. Did this one Saturday.

    135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205(fx3)

    Thiinking I'll pull a double today - 5k +CFT or Sunday's.

  4. I checked the videos on the site, indeed a true clean and jerk requires us to catch the bar on the way down, do a full front squat, then up, then overhead. However, I have noted before that speed WOD's with tons of clean and jerks in them like Grace call only for the athlete to get the weight from the floor to overhead as fast as you can and anyway you can, don't have to do a squat clean.

    Anyway, I didn't do 1RM here cos' I am being careful about the back strain. So this morning I did this:

    3 rounds:
    500M Row w/damper on 10
    10 reps 115 lbs. clean and jerk "Grace style"

    TT = 11:15

    I was happy with that. I went damn hard, yelling out loud! Very little rest. Tomorrow I rest, then I'll fall in with the regular site. That trip threw me off. Back didn't hurt today. Getting these little injuries has proven not to be such a big deal, just stay mellow on that muscle/area for 2 weeks or so and you'll usually be OK, but keep WOD'ing around it.

  5. Recent PR at 215lbs on the C&J about a week ago, just did a bunch of Bear Complex'esque lifts at the Globo Gym with metal plates which I couldn't drop.


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