Monday, September 21, 2009

Shoulder Day

(From Fletcher) Went to the Bronco game yesterday and had entirely too many beers with my dad. Here is the jet flyover during the national anthem.


  1. Jacob:That Daniel time is un-fucking-believable. Did you keep track of split times?

    WODoers: HSPs made the press tough but legs came through for a couple of prs after shitty start
    135,155,175failed,165 failed moved on
    155x5,165x5,175x5pr,185x5pr called it a day.

  2. Jacob, please send a picture of your skin peeled open so we can make sure that there is flesh within and not machinery. I had to go to Costco and get bulk laundry detergent because I keep pooping my pants when I read your posts.

    My abs are still very sore from the GHD WOD! Wowzers.

    WODoers, I haven't done "shoulder day" since I hurt my shoulder in what, March? They say CF will expose anyone's weakness, and because of that injury, my shoulders are still really wimpy. I have to work on this. First time I ever did a shoulder press (like week 1 of doing CF) I think I got like 170 so I'm way off of that. I didn't go to max today because it was hurting some... I hear these weird cartilagenous suqishing sounds in the left shoulder when doing this WOD too. Something is going on in there still, but it's 90%.

    Could have gone quite a bit heavier if I had to but I am easing my way back into the shoulder action. The downstroke is what hurts it.

    Press - 95-115-125-125-130
    PP - 135x3-145x3-155x3-165x3-170x3
    PJ - 135x5-150x5-150x3-quit, ouch.

    Gonna do a 4 day cycle this time since I skipped the last WOD. My abs were just too spanked to do those L pullups, and what's up with them posting two pullup WODs in a row, and then two ab ones in a row, and then two shoulder ones in a row? That isn't the norm.

  3. Plus I was being VERY strict about my form on the shoulder press, not allowing any sort of dip at all. Earlier on in my CF life I think I may have been slightly dipping my hips to get that press done.

  4. "He called the shit poop!" (Billy Madison)

  5. Running behind on the WODs. All new PRs on this WOD in particular but not when considering singles or triples.

    SP 135-145-150-155-160
    PP 135-145-155-165-175
    PJ 135-145-155-160-165

    I bet the game was fun, Kook. Way too many beers sounds fun!! Have a good day boys!!

  6. My shoulders are still feeling it from the HSPU workout. Paid extra attention to my form today, thanks for pointing that out Craig.

    SP 135-145-155-160-165(f)
    PP 155-165-170-175-180(pr)
    PJ 135-155-165-170(pr)-175x3(pr)and my shoulders said they were done.

    Later fellas.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Triple WOD day today, and feeling pretty good.

    Five rounds for time of:
    30 Glute-ham sit-ups
    25 Back extensions

    Jacob 7:33 Rx'd

    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Wall Ball, 20lbs
    Power Clean, 95lbs
    Jump Lunges, Each Leg (42,30,18)

    Jacob 5:44

    Evan 6:36

    Warm Up
    Shoulder Press 5-5-5

    Jacob 95-145-155


    Shoulder press 1-1-1 reps
    Push press 3-3-3 reps
    Push Jerk 5-5-5 reps

    SP 160-170-185(Failed)
    PP 180-200-215x1
    PJ 200-220x4

    Met Con messed me up today and killed my lifts, but both Evan and I closed with a row.

    500m Row for time:

    Evan 1:27 (PR 1:25)

    Jacob 1:28(PR)

    Justin, as for Daniel I told myself to keep pace with this and I was pretty much dead on.

    50 Pull-ups, 1:00 or less, All Unbroken
    400m Run, 1:30
    21 Thrusters, 1:30 (3 Sets, 1 every 30 sec.)
    800m Run, 3:00
    21 Thrusters, 2:00 (3 Sets, 1 every 30 sec.)
    400m Run, 1:30
    50 Pull-ups 1:30

    Est 12:00, Actual time 11:55 Rx'd

    I had to check my distances to believe it and my 400m distance is dead on 200m out 200m back, and the 800m came out to be 0.77km on map my run, but it has (2) 125 degree turns, (6) stairs down, a hill for about 30' and (7) 90 degree turns in it. So I feel it's honest when it comes to times.

    Yeah I can't believe it either, but I can run at a 6 min mile pace even when I feel like I'm about to die, so this one worked for me.

    I have about 7 minutes of video of the WOD with both me and my buddy Nate doing it, with my friend Shane counting our reps and timing us.

    I'll post it and you guys can get a feel for how it went.

    Even a blind squirel finds an acorn every now and then, I guess Daniel was my nut of sorts.

    Keep on keeping on!

  9. SP 135-155-175-185(f)-185(f)
    PP 155-175-185-195(f)
    PJ 155-175-195(1)-205(0)

    Wrists felt like they were going to break off. Did some DU work afterwards. Tried getting rid of the double/singer alternating. Hit my first 24 straight without a hiccup. Then, tried to go back to the single/double and my rhythm was all jacked up. Finished out 50 with 11 straight doubles.


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