Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Tuesday 090929
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.


  1. I am w/ Myles on the GOMAD on shitting diet idea. I love milk but wow! That would get expensive after awhile. Let us know how that works out!!

    Today was looking and I know that snatches have come up before but I couldn't find where i actually did any. Was either on vacation or something. So new for me today!

    Threw up 95# like nothing. 115# was more of an experience trying to not fall on my ass.


    Thought Jacobs idea of holding a 45# plate walking on the tradmill sounded appealing, so I did it.

    About 1/4 mile in I was just concentrating on not dropping the plate on the treadmill and trying to make it to a half mile. Made it the 1/2 mile and was really feeling it in the arms. Much harder than I had anticipated. Try it!

  2. I have been doing the WODs, just internet sucks and not posting. 10 miler on Sunday!!

  3. Good to hear from you Morey!

    Myles: Are protien supplements healthy? I just drank one of those 42g shots of protein and my stomach does not like me.

    95,115,135,145,then failed about 5 times at 155

    Only doing these every three months does not help.

  4. Scott, good job out there doing CrossFit in the middle east, I always love to read your posts coming from that totally different environment.

    Guys, I have a protien smoothie after all of my morning WODs, but the key is you have to take in healthy low glycemic carbs (good fruit) with it so your body can absorb the protien. I think (have to go read up again to be sure on the details) protien needs a 3-4:1 ratio with carbs (more carbs than protien here) to be absorbable, otherwise your kidneys just have to filter and piss it out. I get a frozen fruit blend of blueberries, blackberries, and marionberries from Costco, and I throw in a small handful of either raw almonds or raw walnuts, and about 6 oz of milk too (anything from skim to full fat, depends on what is in the fridge, I don't care).

    Mike - tell that trainer in the gym to do "Cindy" balls out, then ask her if 20 minutes is sufficient, or if she should do it twice? People just don't know....

    Guys, as usual, something is wrong with ol' Fletcher. My lower right back is tweaked so I've taken the last two days off. Whatever. Like coach Rip says, injuries are your reward for having not sat on your ass. Not sure how I did this, probably something simple like picking up my daughter and twisting or something... but it will pass. Almost did the AMRAP w/95 lbs thing today but thought it best to wait out this back tweak one more day.


  5. everyone wants one


  6. Protein supps are ok. Make sure its from whey not soy. It is easier to get instead of a piece of meat, but the meat is better. Fletcher is right with the carb blend. Try using a fruit juice base or water. Avoid the milk. This would be as a recovery drink immediatly following a Wod we would need that fruit or fruit juice to restore the glycogen in our blood. Oh did this today, I have been working on my clean weight so my snatch is taking the back burner, did
    95, 115, 135, 155, 160, 165f 165.
    My body weight today is 170. I'm on a 7 week program for a bigger clean. Snatch is next,

  7. Myles, why avoid the milk? can you explain? I know the Paleo Diet doesn't like it, but this other book I have "The Primal Blueprint" disagrees with the PD ONLY about dairy... and they talk about it having much to do with one's heritage too as far as being lactose tolerant. Myles, are you a no dairy guy?

  8. I am a no dairy guy. I grew up with asthma and it always created the phlegm. Since I quit dairy things have been better for me. The funny thing is that you can read a journal from good medical resources and read that dairy is bad, and then pick up another article that tells you dairy is good. I say give up dairy for 3 weeks and monitor your results, then reintroduce it and see what happens. Something like 40% of humans have the ability to digest dairy. Maybe your part of that percentile. Just ran a 2 mile lap we do took me 13:28 all done for today feelin good.

  9. Thanks for the advice Myles and Fletcher. I am going to try and stick with meat and eggs after the WOD, but good to know how to handle days when I'm running late.

  10. I'm with Justin. Thanks for the discussion on protein shakes. I've been taking one since I returned, but don't know as I am really getting any results out of it.


    95x3, 115, 135(f), 135(f), 125(f), 125

    I need to work on my shoulder flexibility and my overhead squats. I'll try to incorporate that somewhere in the warm-up.

  11. Solid smoreywy! Yeah walking with the plate above you head sucks, especially at a 15 grade. My back was so roached, I could only go in 2 minute intervals before I had to break for a minute.

    Today after Helen I did a 130lb weighted walk for 500m then I crapped out. It sucks holding to two 45's and wearing a 40lb vest, but next time I think I could hit 800m.


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