Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Justin's Goat

5 Rounds

Max PU


  1. Morey: I am starting to think about those shoulder shots.

    WODoers: subbed 95# incline bench for regular. Couldn't even lift just the bar without serious pain on the flat bench. Incline hurt like a fucker but worked through the pain.
    weight 200

    incline 20,16,14,11,12 63
    pull up 20,16,10,13,11 60
    squat 8,10,5,6,6 40

    I thought I would just crush the squats, but my heart was racing so fast I couldn't compose myself to do them and I felt yesterdays deadliftt bigtime at the bottom of the squat.

    Thanks for making me feel like a little bitch coach. Yea crossfit!

  2. "Shane's 29"

    AMRAP in 29 minutes of:
    29 Pull-ups
    29 Burpee's
    29 Squat Snatches
    400m Run, Holding a 29lb Plate

    Shane 1 Round +29PU, +29B, +29SS, +200m

    Jacob 3 Rounds +29PU, +12B

    Nate 2 Rounds +29PU, +29B

    This WOD sucked so freakin bad, a crybaby fest from start to finish.

    The Daniel video is up on my blog, 11:55 Rx'd. Scared thinking about next time.

  3. Major sweat fest on this one. It didn't help that it was hot and humid outside. I'm feeling beat up after this cycle. Lots of strength training which I love, but I decided to add some extra stuff on top of the WOD's, except for today of course. Jacob must be wearing off on me.

    Body weight 184

    BP 185# 11-12-11-11-12 /57
    Pullups 15-15-15-15-15 /75
    BS 185# 11-11-11-11-11 /55

    Peace out fellas.

  4. Had a fitness assessment with a "fitness professional" tonight. I was very hesitant to do it, but was talked into it because the girl was so persistent on getting me to take advantage of the free assessment with my membership at Globo-gym. The assessment was as frustrating as I had imagined it would be. But, the girl had some interesting stuff to say about stretching and myofacial release - never heard about that before (googled it just now). And, I had body fat % tested and weight taken and all those measurements. That was definitely sobering to see that I've gained 20 pounds since leaving Europe.

    BW: 239

    BP - 225# 4,5,8(spotter),7(sp),4(205)
    PU's - 7,8,9,7,6
    BS - 315# 5,5,6,6,5(225)

    The girl had me so flustered that I was thinking that squats was supposed to be 1.5xBW squats.

    Anyway, looks like I'm going to be trying to adopt myself into the zone life style. Later fellas.


  5. Kook: I know 315 is not equal to 1.5 x 239. I just was too afraid to put 360 on there.

    Last squats at 225 were 10 reps, not 5. I'm all fucked up. I need to start sleeping and eating right. Later fellas.

  6. Hey guys, I read this WOD as "just do the sets and rest as needed to get max reps" but Justin referred to a video of a similar WOD and deciphered this one to mean that we do all 3 moves back to back to back, then rest 3 minutes between rounds.

    Mike - I can tell you from experience, eating Paleo style, and being strict about WHAT (not so much the quantity) you put in your body makes a major difference in how you look and feel. Here's what I have learned about nutrition that is working great for me:

    Eat: Organic lean meats (meaning, no growth hormone, no antibiotics, and grass fed animals), eat wild caught seafood, eat lots of vegetables (raw as often as you can), eat low glycemic fruits, and some nuts and seeds (the correct ones, like almonds and walnuts, and NOT peanuts or cashews), and get the right kinds of fats (high in Omega 3’s and HDLs).

    Do not eat (or eat RARELY): Grains and starches (bread, crackers, chips, cookies, French fries, white potatoes (sweet potatoes aren’t bad), tortillas, cereals), anything with refined sugar (sodas, sweets, etc.)

    Eat in moderation: Dairy, alcohol
    For example, don’t go to the Bronco game with your dad and drink 5 24 oz beers like I did Sunday. Ouch. But we had big fun harassing Browns' fans.

    The “food pyramid” is a crock! It's run by $$, not truth!

  7. At 75% BW and 60 lbs on gravitron

    BP - 9,9,6,4,4
    PU - 5,3,2,3,3
    BS - 8,9,8,7,9

    Done with little rest between each rep


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