Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Franish Rowing


  1. WODoers:

    No time for gym. Row 5k. 20:36pr. Man my legs hurt from the 400m lunge.

  2. Rowing Fran

    For Time:
    1000m Row
    21 Thruster, 95lbs
    21 Pull-ups
    750m Row
    15 Thrusters, 95lbs
    15 Pull-ups
    500M Row
    9 Thrusters, 95lbs
    9 Pull-ups

    Jacob 14:15 Rx'd

    A little pissed at this one, gonna do it again next week.

  3. No rower yet and I do emphasize yet because it's coming soon, especially after this workout. I understand rowing spanks you more then running but there is no way I can could compete with rowing times versus running times. My guess you can do a 1K row around 4 minutes and that's busting some serious ass. 1 mile run not a chance in hell I'm even scratching 6 minutes, 8 minutes if I'm lucky more like 9 minutes. I feared the thrusters the most and surprisingly they were the easiest part of the WOD. Running was HARD and pullups I had to break up into sets and that just plain sucks. Anyway, enough whining..

    TT: 22:40

    I see we have another kick ass cycle this go around. Elizabeth..you and me tomorrow A.M.

    Later fellas.

  4. The running killed me today, which not usual for me. 5k the other day?? I don't know, usually no problems though. Anyway had to walk almost all the 0.5 mile, b/c I was edging on slinging vomit w/ the treadmill.

    TT: 33:02

  5. Travis and I did real FRAN a few days ago. Got 2:40 new pr! Goal of sub 2:30 will happen soon had some left in the tank.

  6. Nice Myles, I'm itching to hit Fran up also... Don't know if I got a 2:40 in me though, that's wicked fast. I got to beat a 2:53(PR), so I'm hoping for a 2:45, but we'll see.


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