Saturday, September 5, 2009

"RUN Burpee RUN"

Sunday 090906
6 rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters

25 Burpees
Set up under a bar that is one foot above your reach for the burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee rep.
Post time to comments.
Compare to 041027.


  1. You would have seen a puddle of sweat there, but in the time it took me to walk 50 ft to get my camera, the TCN (third country national) dude had that shit mopped up. Fast little guys they are!! Anyway used 2 Reebok steps to jump on, looks like a foot to me. Yes?? Burpees suck enough, but when you jump up on that sum bitch they really suck. Weaver, you are King of Burpees!! Would love to see a video of you doing this WOD. Sure it would be like a 1/3 of the time I had. Run, sure no problem, Burpees.....suck.

    TT: 36:28

    Also bought the SoCal Crossfitter Package w/ a B&R Bar from Rogue Fitness this AM. Should be to my house in plenty of time for me to play w/ when I go home on leave. Excited about that!! Go kick ass today fellers!!

  2. WODoers:

    Did a camping WOD. Run 35 minutes, then throw on the 20# vest for 50 body sqats in 1:02.
    8200 feet makes it hard.


  3. WODoers:

    Did this one with row 500m sub. Morey you kicked my ass all over the place on this
    WOD. 41:02 and I though I was going pretty good.

    Congrats on you SoCal. I need a couple of cases to settle before I can pull the trigger.

  4. Morey, awesome on all fronts! This WOD was brutal. Here's a promise: Every single burpee had head forward and chest and stomach hit the mat. Every time. No exceptions. Also, every time I hit the 1 foot high target. If I did not, I had to jump again. That happened about 5 times. TT = 34:30. I did row 2 500M's the last two rounds because the running was hurting me, plus I am REALLY slow at running so that didn't help at all. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, I missed a few good WODs, might do "Fran Got herself a Rower".

    I did a couple of good hotel room WOD's while overseas. One was 6 rounds of 25 switch stance lunges and 25 squats, the other was 6 rounds of 25 honest pushups and 25 situps with feet sort of anchored under a chair. Belgian beer is phenomenal. I'd almost say it's worth going all of the way over there just to drink the beer. :-)

  5. Ooh baby so I looked at the last couple of days that I missd and I decided to do the least desireable workout. This one came to mind first. Finished it at 22:14 and still hate burpees. Fuck burpees, Myles

  6. I found a room in the gym today that is supposed to be for boxing and stuff like that. But, I found a 20' rope that is connected to the ceiling. Also, the floors have a mat so that I could do some good HSPU's and other stuff like that.

    Anyway, the room is right next to the treadmills. Plus there was a good jumping target. Burpees were not as bad as expected tonight.

    TT = 34:13

    A little experimenting with burpees. I noticed tonight that burpees are easier if you kind of push up harder and pop up to your feet, rather than bringing your knees all the way up to your chest on the way up.

    Anyway, later.

  7. I'm starting to like burpees... specifically because I hate them so much. That must mean they are good for us.


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