Thursday, September 17, 2009

Five rounds for time of:

30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions

Post time to comments.

Was looking through some old pictures tonight, and this pictures is from the crazy Netherlands where little kids were riding a mechanical camel during some Saturday festival.


  1. I was disappointed seeing today's workout pop up after waiting from 8 until just after 9 for this dang WOD.

    As Rx'ed TT = 11:57

    Oh well. Tomorrow is the end of the week!

  2. Sorry, kind of as Rx'ed. I did the GHSU's with a small med ball under my ass with my feet hooked under an elevated bench.

  3. Mikey: Putting a scene like that in the middle of the street in a country where drugs are legal is just nuts!

    WODoers: Added the 20# vest to this WOD. Probably a bad idea. No spasms yet.

    I was pleasantly suprised with my work capacity.

  4. Elk: I'm down with the Window Replacement WOD as long as it includes 18 holes of golf and some beers.

  5. Justin. Krikies! Adding a 20 lb vest is dramatic on this. I did a few GHD's and BE's with my new vest on the other day just "for fun" (only a CrossFitter would get why that sounds fun, right?) and it was much much harder for me. If you weigh 200 and add 20, these moves are much more than 10% harder because all of the weight is being added to your upper torso, which is the moving lever on these.

    Not sure if I can do this bitch tomorrow, my body is beat down, but you guys know I probably will. Busted ass on the Daniel WOD earlier, then 5 hours later climbed over 1,500 feet on my mountain bike, then went down to "the Cheeky Monk" in downtown Denver and got some killer Belgian imported beers on tap (10-12% beers baby) and now I am just whooped. Surprisingly, I PR'd the mtn bike climb for this season. Previous best on this one was 1 hour 13 mins on the climbup portion, today was 1:10. How, after front squats and Daniel, I have no idea. Mental I think. Weird thing was I was trying to keep my heart rate in the oxidative fat burning zone, so around 150 bpm. The reason that's weird, is if my HR was kept that low, I shold have been dog slow. CrossFit is making my body more efficient I guess, I hope? Welly well well... later shits.

  6. Second time trying this since I got my GHD. First time went 4 rounds and had to quit, probably should have done that this time but fought through the searing flashing head and lower back pains and got it done in 20:24. Had to stop several times cos' it hurt so damn much. Then had to stretch for a good 10 minutes cos I could barely walk. I hope I don't get rhabdo from that sumbitch, daaammn!! Here's a promise: I will not be doing the main site WOD tomorrow, I'll do something else. Did 100 pullups yesterday and all this core work today, and coach posts a million L pullups? What the??? Might try to chase down Jacob's sick 7:02 row, but from the way I feel now I might just have to take the day off and be a wuss.

  7. Did this on Roman Chair and decline sit up bench. Did it w/ another guy and had to wait on the Roman Chair as there was only one.

    TT: 10:36


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