Monday, September 14, 2009

Front Squats


(From Fletcher) took a video to check form on my PR of 240x3 (wimpy, but I'll get better). This always helps. I tilt forward when it gets heavy..... gotta be more aware of that next time.


  1. My first ever triple WOD today. Warmed up with Dianne, rest, knock one out with Annie, rest, then front squats.

    185, 205, 225, 245, 245

  2. Solid numbers, awesome squating Mike. I'm hoping to hit 225lbs for a triple, but it feels like a long shot.

  3. Mikey: Nice Triplet!

    WODoers: 225x3,245x3,275x3pr,245x3,245x3

    Pretty much so left it all on the table in round three and had to back off the last two.

  4. Thanks dudes.

    Kook, I have trouble with those big weight increases on the higher weights too. I usually up by 20's, then 10's. I know that lifting 225 and 245 is basically the same thing. And, if I were to make a bigger jump early in the workout, I'd probably leave some in the tank for the top end lift. But, I seem to peter out if I try to go up by more than 10/20 pounds per round.

    Anybody know why or how to counter that effect? Just start forcing myself to make the jump, then I will get used to it?

  5. MIkey,

    I skipped 265 on the way up this time because I got all three at 265 last time and only one at 275, so I wanted to have as much energy as possible for 275.

    It looks to me like you should jump to 255 or 265 after 225 next time.

    Also, don't be afraid to just get one or two reps at the higher weight, it will give you more confidence the next time you go for three.

  6. Holy $#^% Justin! Awesome!

    Annie's Revenge

    Jacob 5:03 (PR)

    Oh yeah, feeling quick.

  7. Hell Yeah Kook! You strong! Good work on the triple Mikey!

    Fletcher, I still can't string DUs all together, but can do pretty good w/ the SU/DU alternating. Would like to be able to string all DUs together but I think my technique is flawed (same on a totally true MU). I need to keep practicing. I also seem to do better on my DUs when I am sweating hard from a warm up or after a WOD that doesn't totally kill me.

    185-205-215-225-235 (PR) last PR was a single 235

    felt good today

  8. Thanks guys! I figured you guys would more proud of me for trying the DU's than you would ashamed of me for getting a suck time. One of the major benefits of CrossFit is the variety so I had to do it! No injury excuses, it's just a damn jump rope.

    I had my cousin Jeff over to the garage gym during our lunch break from work today, he wanted to "try CrossFit"... he's more fit than a lot of folks so I figured I'd baptize him with RX'd FGB. He did pretty good for his first time, 202. The Sumos and Push Press really kicked his ass, whereas these two moves are the ones I am best at in FGB, so you never know! I did one round just for fun and got 121 for the round, 28 of those were sumos, 38 wall ball. And still I didn't even get a third of Jacob's PR I don't think. YOU FREAK! I could barely do box jumps, it's like my legs lock up and I can't jump, it's weird. Does that ever happen to you guys after doing squats or moves with squats?

  9. Oh.. and now my cousin is "converting" to the church of CrossFit. It only takes one! He's out shopping for an Oly bar set, or a local gym.

  10. 185x3,205x3,225x3(pr),230x1(pr),205x3

    I missed one side of the rack when trying to re-rack the 230. Had to muscle that shit up or drop it on my floor inside my house, which is not an option. I got the weight back on the rack but just about broke my wrist. Had to drop down to 205. I got my PR but hopefully not an injury. We'll see what tomorrow brings, I'm going to be pissed if there's a problem. I'm just starting to make some major progress.

    Later fellas.

  11. Yo Dudes. Considering my BW is 210 I am a wuss on this one, but you have a year head start with CF on me, so I'll catch up dammit.

    PR'd today nonetheless. Put a video of it on there just for fun. Had my wife video the PR with my iPhone so I could check my form. I tend to tilt forward on squats when they get heavier. I had a little more left in the tank actually, I think I could have got my previous 1RM of 250 3 times today, but I left it at 240 because I am dirt biking tomorrow and mountain biking the Next we we do a 1RM I'm gonna PR or else.


    It's always nice to PR! Later

  12. Just noticed my previous PR was 215x2 on June 23rd. Man that is weak... good to not only get a PR, but to CRUSH the previous PR.

  13. OK - first post. I am a friend of Criag's from CO. Been doing CF for about 3 weeks now after not lifting at all in over 10-years. Also the first time I ever did a front squat.

    95x8 - practice form
    155x2 (failed on last attempt)

    Then I added:
    2 rnd of 15 18-in box jumps
    approx 100ft walking lunges with 20-lb db

  14. Totally didn't feel this one.

    Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 180-190-200-210x2-220x1 (PR 215x3)

    My warm up killed me on thi sone I think.

    Warm Up: Front Squat 5-5-5



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