Sunday, September 13, 2009


Monday 090914

50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Post time to comments.
Compare to 081209.


  1. 11:42, last PR 12:46.

    Think I will smoke a cigar tonight following this good time. Have a good days fellers!!

  2. Morey, nice PR!

    WODoers: I was not so fortunate today to get a pr. I had a curious 90# lab who kept fucking up my first round until he caught a couple on the nose with the rope...that cured the curiosity. Arms are still so sore and tired from Barbara and Diane that I just couldn't keep the rope going. Did get a couple of nice runs though, had 20 in a row on round 3, and since I knew no pr got 12 in a row on last round.


    Got the blood flowing pretty good still. Have two silver dollar sized raspberries, one on each side, at the top of my ass crack from doing today's and barbara's sit ups on hard floors, can's wait for the sting of the shower...only a cross fitter would understand why I still did the situps today.

  3. I'm turning into Jacob. Did 3 workouts today. Saved Annie for last
    7:06. Double unders started off clean with all 50 in a row. Then they started to get fucked up. Lost my composure a little. Feels good to get all fucked up on workout. I forget sometimes how much I love getting crap beat outta me. Morey way to Pr by a minute, that's bad ass
    peace out, Myles

  4. Oh I forgot I started the clock and waited till it hit :10, so actually 6:56 is the time.

  5. Thanks for the comparison Myles, but unless you ate a crap ton of old marshmellow peeps before your WOD like I did, I think you got me beat.

    Jacob + Annie + Peeps = 7:07

    Here was my HQ post last time this one came up.


    50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:

    5:26 (PR) Big time... last one 6:21

    Didn't want to do this one but went ahead with it anyways. Had to break up the 40's on the double-unders 33 and 7 but other than that all were unbroken and felt surprisingly good.

    Comment #523 - Posted by: JacobSZ at December 9, 2008 7:57 PM

    I gotta get my act together, but the good news is that with much deliberation I've finally come up with my comprehensive WOD plan that I'm going to be rolling with starting October. I'll post it in the next week or so and you guys can give me your input and let me know what you think.

    All suggestions are welcomed.

  6. Did this one as my warm-up for today. I need to work on getting rid of my double, single, double routine on DU's. I use my single as a timing catch-up, but I think that getting rid of it would really help the time and increase the heart rate. Anyway,

    TT = 8:53.9

  7. Had to stay up late at the FD preping myself for my night shift in the ED tomorrow, so I did a little extra to rub salt in my wounded ego.

    "The Heartbreak Mile"

    For Time:
    1 Mile hill ascent with 45lb plate held overhead, all ascent efforts must have plate held overhead in order to count towards your target distance of a mile.

    Jacob 44:05 (Treadmill set at 2mph pace with a 15 incline.)

    Another 10 minute pity party then…

    Not For Time:
    5 rounds of
    100m Farmers Carry, 120lbs
    20 Knees to Elbows

    5 Minute pity party then…

    Alternating Ladder of: 10-10 (10/1 9/2 8/3 7/4 6/5 5/6 4/7 3/8 2/9 1/10)
    Hand Stand Push-ups

    Jacob 9:00

    Mission accomplished.

    And Craig sorry for not getting back to you on when "I was" heading out to Denver, but something came up as usual and I have to reschedule my trip.

  8. Jacob, you need to see a psychologist.

    Men O the WOD:

    I have always skipped double unders WODs or subbed tuck jumps. This morning I woke up and asked myself "how long will this continue? How am I going to learn to do double unders if I never try them?" So today I gave it a whack, and it was NOT pretty. Justin also gave me some encouragement in an email yesterday, so thanks for that Justin.

    TT = 19:24

    Only chained more than 1 rep in a set like three times. Otherwise it was single under, double under, fail. Reset. Repeat (and the preceding description was BEST case!).

    Blew through the situps to make up for it. All situps unbroken with hands in air behind ears, AbMat, ankles to assholes, anchored feet.

    This was fun, and at least I have a starting point. Obviously need to practice these things.

  9. Fletch,

    Way to go on trying DU's! I usually jump rope once or twice a week, which helps a lot. For me, it's easiest if I start with two quick singles, then move on to the single/double routine. You'll get better at them. Just stick with it.

    It also helps me if I try to do some DU's at the end of the WOD when you're dead-ass tired. That makes it seem a lot easier the next time when you start with DU's fresh.


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