Wednesday, September 16, 2009


50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

(Added by Fletcher)

Buddy emailed me this, found it on the site I'm sure. I'm fired up. I'm resting today, and doing this tomorrow AND in the same day I am doing a nasty 1,800 foot climb single track mountain bike ride, that by itself is a totally brutal workout. Let's get it on.

Personally, I think that hero workouts should always be done RX'd to honor the hero.
The added pain should be endured with the sacrifice the hero (in thsi case Daniel) made in mind; this should help you push just a bit farther than you normally would. If you need to scale to complete the workout then scale, but only make the decision to do so as you puke into a bucket or can feel your eyes bulging out while trying to consider one more rep. Everyone should go into this full speed, no pre-scaling, and give it their best shot.


  1. I fucked this one up. I did:

    400 meter run
    50 Pull-ups
    800 meter run
    95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
    800 meter run
    95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
    400 meter run
    50 Pull-ups

    So, I put an extra 800m run in there on accident.

    TT = 38:09

    This one is a sweat-fest marathon. Some strategery will go a long ways to help.

  2. Has anybody had an Elk sighting, or heard any Elk buglings lately?

  3. Hey Mike and the rest of yall. Long time I know. Have been getting some high elevation hikes in at work but workout time is non existant at this point. Getting my house almost ready for us to move in. I have been doing crossfit Bob Villa style. If you guys all came out and did the Window Replacement WOD with me I would be about done. Hope that you are all well. Sorry I have been a ghost. May be that way for a while more until I get the house done. Take care and I will try to do better to keep in touch. ELKHORN

  4. Elkhornolio: Good to hear from you my friend.

    WOD: Adding running to thrusters and pullups is like putting poop in your chicken soup!

    TT:24:46 running times too embarrassing to post. First time in a long time I have thought about walking to get my legs back. I didn't have to, but there was a debate going on in my head.

  5. 1st hero workout
    Still suck at PU - did them at gym on the "assist" machine.
    Scaled thrusters to 75lb. Increase next time.
    Not sure of exact run times but I run on a garmin watch and was running about 8:30 miles.
    Limiting factor on my PUs is my forearms. Loose grip before my back gets tired. This will come with time.

  6. Yo dudes, just talked to Dan (Jakes10) and instructed him that those thrusters have to be full squat ROM, he was doing more push jerks... but hey, he's starting the CF life! Good job Dan, and next time get that ass below those knees.

  7. Got to love the metcon with this one. Thrusters followed by running was extra special. The last 50 pullups my hands kept slipping of the bar. I tried gloves and I tried bare hands nothing seemed to work. Any suggestions? Tape? Chalk? It seems to happen now that my kipping is finally getting better.

    TT: 23:02

  8. Wow guys, I really surprised myself on this one. First time in a long time I didn't WOD really early in the AM on an empty stomach.

    I cannot feel my hands or forearms. I have been psyching myself out for this WOD for a day and a half. My buddy Sean challenged me to go sub 20, which sounded impossible, but I started thinking about the quote posted about the heroes and I thought "the only way I won't get sub 20 is if I puke or pass out" so as Bruce Lee says, TONS of emotional energy on this one. I also visualized Daniel on the battlefield with a bomb strapped around him with terrorists holding the detonators laughing at Daniel and I, and then had a timer going to, and if it reached 20 minuutes he was dead. I know, cheesy.

    TT = 19:43, Daniel lives you MFer towelheads!!! Hardest I've ever gone(maybe besides 20+ rounds of Cindy recently). Feel all messed up.

    Interval times

    50 Pull-ups 2:56
    400 meter run 1:56
    95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 1:30
    800 meter run 5:30
    95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 1:26
    400 meter run 2:44
    50 Pull-ups 3:54

    Gonna go get in the pool if I can stay conscious and upright.

    Long post, but also we are going to do a killer mounta bike ride in 4 hours. It's a Szafranski-ish workload today! After that, going to a pub downtown that serves rare Belgian beer on tap. Great for recovery drink?!

  9. Rare Belgian beer from Brugges? Any Belgian beer is a great recovery drink, especially if its dark, or amber, or pilsner.


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