Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1


  1. Morey: I wish I was drinking beer at a football game on Sunday. I was getting shit ready for winter, which feels likes it here already. 22 degrees this a.m. in Jackson.

    WODoers: Trying a new warm up. Basically Greg A.'s stretch routine, then 10 HSPs, 10 push ups, 10 dead hang pull ups, 10 dips...not necessarially in that order, then run 1 mile. Will see how it works. I feel like I have not improved enough on my push ups, hsps and running lately.

    225x5,275x3,365x1,415x1,455 got it to just below my knee and left hand grip slipped, couldn't finish the lift, tried one more time and couldn't budge it off the ground.

    I think I will get 455 next time, cause I will take my time getting set up right.

  2. Warmup 135x10,205x5,255x3
    WOD 300x7 (No more weight to throw on)
    Cooldown 205x5,205x5

    I've outgrown my weight set. Maybe Santa Claus will buy me some bumpers or my boss we'll give me a big raise so I don't have to wait until Christmas. Wishful thinking.

    Peace out fellas

  3. Morey, I posted that video, I edited the original post. Sorry about the confusion guys.

    I am sick again! yah! I haven't been in a few months, but alas, here we go again. Usually I get sick twice a year like normal people, this year I'm on #5. Whatever.

    Still did a little work this morning. Had my cousin meet me at 6AM in the garage, first time doing any barbell lifting for him. He did the shoulder WOD (3 rounds instead of 5 for each move) and then we both did DL. Because I was feeling so shitty I just did 305x3 a few times. He got up to 305x3, pretty cool since he's never done DL before. I should have just rested today. Oh well. Poop.

  4. A huge birthday WOD tomorrow, should be fun.

    Eat your heart out Nowak!

    "Shane's 29"

    AMRAP in 29 minutes of:
    29 Pull-ups
    29 Burpee's
    29 Squat Snatches, 75lbs
    400m Run, Holding a 29lb Plate

    We all wish Shane a happy birthday, that is if he lives to enjoy it.


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