Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Chris's house
4 foot and it keeps coming!


  1. Myles: I would be really excited about a mobility cert or a oly cert at xfit avalanche.

    WODoers: Did the first thirty pull ups as dead hangs. This wod just seemed to go slow for me. TT=16:54

    Going to Pickett's wedding in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico so I taking off the wod til next Wednseday, but I am going to keep going with the dead hangs and hsps. Today was day 38 and they get easier every day. Later fellas.

  2. Easier every day! Wow.... that is inspiring

    Today I had my buddy Heath over so we did a "Team WOD"..

    Accumulatively/Alternating between dudes, do:

    40 Ring Rows
    40 54 lb KBS
    50 Ring Dips
    60 TTB
    70 Pullups
    80 25 lb BE's
    90 hands off floor pushups
    100 situps

    28 minutes all together. Pretty cool WOD. HArder than I thought it would be. Heath can't hardly do pullups so I did a good 50 of those and he struggles with TTB too, so my forearms were scorched!

  3. So just got all the information on hosting certs and it looks like we don't have what it takes. They need more sq footage than we have. I will look into it further but prob won't happen. bummer

  4. Pullups slowed me down big time on this. Great WOD and great cycle.

    TT: 17:22

    Sorry I missed your call Craig. I'll give you a shout tomorrow. We've hit the 4' mark on the snow and it's still coming down.

    Peace out

  5. Justin you just got me. My pullups weren't deadhangs, but b/c of the height of my basement ceiling I can't string together kips either. Ran on the treadmill, which takes forever to get up to speed. OK that's enough excuses.

    TT = 17:10

  6. Chris love the pic. Myles: expand that bitch :-)

  7. Had a fun morning with friends at the Fletcher garage.

    Row 500M = 1:32 for warmup, I can go faster but not much.

    Heath and Mike did Deadlifts, 7 sets, light weight lots of reps (Mike's first time ever)

    Then we did 4 rounds of run 400M 50 squats

    Mike 12:19
    Heath 12:30
    Craig 12:50

    I had to run slow, it was hurting.

    Then Heath and I did another round for fun. Round 4 and 5 squats unbroken, which hurt so good.

    Then a 3 man Nitrean smoothie party broke out in the kitchen. It got crazy in there!

    Justinius the Mighty: I officially started the HSPU and PU daily ladder today. 1 Rep down, 5,049 to go.

  8. Another Fletcher triple post. I just had to announce that this was a PR. I didn't know until I checked my log.

  9. This was part 2 of my last night's daily double. I had to rotate between PU's and pulldowns on my first round because of machine availability, but did PU's throughout in rounds 2 and 3. And, I ran on the indoor track which is nice.

    TT - 24:30 - you guys killed me

    Later fellas.


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