Monday, December 6, 2010

Descending Power Snatch, WB, K2Es

21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:
115 pound Power snatch
Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Knees to elbows


  1. WODoers -

    Subbed same # of reps on snatches but 36 lb KB snatch each hand, so twice the rep count but just the 1 pooder. Lower back has been bugging me lately so I am being careful with loads.

    TT 17:40

    Been feeling really strong during metcons lately as far as energy and little rest. Have you guys ever heard of CoQ10? (Coenzyme Q10). My buddy is a hardcore wellness instructor guy and he swears by it. Your body makes it naturally but not enough, particular as we age. It is what your cells need for energy production. So I've been taking 150mg of it (the Costco dose is 300mg but he tells me to start with 1/2 that) and it seems to make a big difference. I'm usually skeptical of such things but I don't know... I used it some this fall and got majro biking PRs too. It particularly helps with heart, brain, and liver energy. Read up on it and decide for yourselves... me, I'm convinced. Later penii

  2. Also... I seem to have more mental energy as well. I know other people who have had the same experience, and have read reports of people who have congestive heart failure (blood output is low, like sub 50%) and the CoQ10 gets them back up to near normal levels. Doctors are like "What the hell?"... also helps with blood cholesterol and blood pressure (cos your heart becomes more efficient, doesn't have to pump so hard, therefore high BP goes back down)

  3. Damn Fletcher, I thought you were long winded before you started taking that shit:)

  4. It's been a while since we've had the pleasure of enjoying a Fletcher Triple Play. I tried the C2 wattage challenge this morning and got up to 823 watts. Good way to measure max power output on the C2.

  5. Nice work Fletcher and Justin.

    It's easy to be humbled by CF WODs but this one really did it to me. I had to scale the snatches to 95# (and did my usual 45# thrusters for WB) but this bugger still took me 29:25. Snatches were wicked; I was starting each set off with 4-5 but then was always down to sets of 2 or 3. And this was off 3 days of rest no less...

  6. This one kicked my ass good. I am so far out of CrossFit shape it isn't even funny. I decided to test the shoulder out today with some ring dips during my warmup and I'm not there yet. I followed your lead today Justin and it was more than enough.

    95# Power Snatches
    Wall balls

    I banged the shit out of my shins a couple times had some blood flowing literally. Great WOD.

    TT: 15:10

    Craig I'm going to check that stuff out. I'm feeling every bit of 40 these days.

    Later guys

  7. What Up dudes, Starting to get back in the groove. I have been eating super healthy and eating right so the energy is through the roof.
    WOD #1 7:00am
    WOD#2 heavy back squats worked to 375 then had to teach class
    Went for a mile run
    Then did this WOD today and got 18:14, A little gassed about halfway through the 18 reps. This one was harder than it looked. So I will keep riding this wave as long as I can. Peace out fellas Fletcher I have also heard good things about coQ10. Keep doin it and let us know.

  8. I did this one last night, but had to sub regular sit-ups for K2E's after the first round because I knew I would run out of time. Otherwise as rx'ed with 115 on snatches and 20lb WB's.

    TT - 29:56

    Snatches really took it out of me. Anyway, back to writing papers. Later fellas.


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