Thursday, December 9, 2010


"Knees to elbows is different than knees to triceps"


  1. Whaddup Fletcher, you post the WOD and then just leave?

    I had my 8yo pacing me on this one. He counted the jumps for me, then went side-by-side for the JPUs (he used the rings), swings (used a little 5# DB), lunges and PPs. I lost him after that though...

    I did basically the same subs as I've done in the past: gmornings for BE, tuck jumps for DUs. But this time I did 45# barbell thrusters for WB instead of using a 1pd KB.

    TT = 27:45, pr by a whopping 10secs vs 091108. I think I went slower leading up to the burpees (I remember hitting them at the 20min mark, 21 mins today) but did them faster this time.

    Local slopes open tomorrow here in the CT. First tracks in the morning! So I don't know if I'll get a WOD in. If not, then makeup on Sunday.

  2. Oh yeah, the kid also did the KTEs on the rings. He finished while I was on about 35. Dick.

  3. I think I say this every time, but box jumps always surprise me for some reason. And, I spent about 8-9 minutes on burpee-pukies today.

    TT = 33:14

    I was a bit disappointed in my WOD today, so I did 2 sets of 50 DU's after about a5 minute rest.

    Set 1 - :28, 1 minute rest all unbroken
    Set 2 - :36, broke at 33

    That made me feel better. Later fellas.

  4. Chas and Mike good job guys! I had to fight pukie big time on this one today. Kicked my ass hard. Especially wall balls and the dreaded burpees. I did 20" box jumps because that's all I have and jump tucks for DU's.

    TT: 29:11 of total suckage

    I'm not sure about tomorrow. Might have to do something else. Bench Press is what tore my rotator cuff back in March. Don't feel like having surgery again so we'll see.

    Later guys.

  5. Last time I did this in 29:57 and subbed air squats for DU's and did 9' wall balls in the garage.

    Today to get a compare, I subbed air squats again (everything else pure and RX'd) but I ran around to the side of the house and did true 10 foot (at least) wall balls.

    TT: 26:14. PR by 3:43?!!?!! My wife was there to witness it boys. I am shaking.

    Helped to watch Kevin Montoya's commentary. I never put the PP bar down did those 30/10/10 but rested either at the top once or on my shoulders once. Did the first 20 K2E's unbroken then 10/10/5/5. Wall balls in 4 sets, burpees 5:30ish... blah blah blah. I win I win I win hahahahahaahahaahaha!!!


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