Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Think about Nate. His son is 2+ years old right now, just like my little buddy Max. Except Nate's son doesn't have a daddy around, his daddy gave his life for our freedoms. Heavy. Painful. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you have HBO, search for the show "Wartorn" and record it.




  1. 10 rounds + 4CTB, 4RD, 4HSPU PR by 4 HSPU's (all to AbMat). Not pussin' by going to AbMat, full depth on these hurts the shoulder.

    Had 5 rounds done in 7:15... this WOD above all others really slows me down later. First round 45 seconds. Boy do I slow down. My muscles just get spanked, and admittedly I start to run out of breath as well. One of my fave WODs. Hope those 70 lb KBS don't set my back on fire for most of a week like they did last time I swung that thing. Last time it was 5 sets of 20 though, so I figured smaller sets might make it OK.

  2. Fletcher: Nice post and nice wod.

    WODoers: Used my 70# sandbag for the KB swings, i think that is fair sub. I think the swing is easier because it has more counterbalance from its longer legnth but the grip overhead is way way tougher. The ole 75er is still broken, I think I need to weld it. I tied my old pr when I subbed 95# press for hsps, so I am very happy with today's results. Today all hsps head touch legit.

    PR= 10 rounds + 2 mu + 2 hsps, fell on my head trying for #3 but muscle were just done.

  3. Great work guys. Thanks for giving me a number to shoot for. I subbed 6 C2B pullups for the muscle up's. I can't do ring dips I feel a pull in my shoulder when I try to go down into the dip. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do those again. So I have a nice pair of Rogue Fitness rings for sale if anyone is interested. HSPU's were to ABMat for me as well. I'm trying to ease my way back in without blowing the shoulder out again. Loved this WOD.

    11 Rounds + 3 C2B

    Justin you win this one hands down doing this RX'd with the MU's.

    Later guys

  4. Agreed. JTS is declared the winner. However, none of you guys did the hardest WOD I've ever done: BULL. So maybe I can get a special prize for that. Chris, are you serious about the rings? I think you should keep em'... ring pullups from ground, ring pushups, LPU's, all sorts of things you can do. If you really want to sell em though, I might take em' since lately I have WOD buddies here 2-3 times a week.

  5. Yes you do get a special prize for doing Bull. A nut punch from me the next time I see you. : ) Seriously though,great job doing that WOD. I'm thinking about selling them yes. It seems like a waste for them to just hang there doing nothing. I'm going to give it more time on the shoulder. I've only been at it a month or so now so I can't expect to be able to do everything just yet. I'll definitely sell them to you if I do though. I know they would go to a good gym.

    Football time, Syracuse in the PinStripe bowl. Yeah I know it's not a BCS bowl, but this team has been pathetic for a long time. Half way respectable now or at least getting there.

  6. Hi guys, sorry I've been gone the last few days. We lost power Monday morning - a tree went down on the lines up the road from us - and I got nothing done thru yesterday since we had no water and spent almost no time in the house. For better or worse, this meant that I didn't get to do Bull, so Fletcher you get a nut shot from me too.

    I'm back on schedule now, though, just in time for one of my favorite/goat WODs. Fletcher I did almost the same subs as you (PU/RD) but I did 12 KBS with my 1.5pd'er. I made

    10 rounds + 4PUs

    This also takes me up to my 10th day on DHPUs/RDs/HSPUs. I did the first few rounds with regular deadhangs to make those, then started kipping higher after that.

    Nice work guys.

  7. Today was day 57 for me on the Pull ups and HSPs. Still going good. I took a full rest day yesterday cause I was sick. I think I have 27 pullups and 10 HSPs to do when I get home from work. Still think I am gaining, but I may continue to add more rest if I feel run down.

  8. I know I asked before... but I thought I'd re-mention it... do you guys intentionally supplement with Vitamin D? I get the newsletter from Dr. Mercola (it's GREAT stuff, I know other MD's who totally believe in this guys line of thinking, jus talked to one last week the other day, the guy owns/runs a wellness center)... anyway... there are studies that prove out conclusively that a lack of Vitamin D is a major contributor to a weakened immune system, especially in Winter when we aren't getting enough sun with our sleeves up (which is the best source for VitD). Also there are studies that show that proper VitD levels account for a decreased risk for almost every damn disease there is! And the US RDA is a joke by the way, it was originally formulated like in the 50s to see what the minimal requirement is for soldiers to maintain basic functionality, NOT optimal functionality or health. Remember last year how I got sick like 11 times (kids brought it home constantly), well this year we have been taking probiotics and Vit D and I think I got one cold, and that was before I started taking Vit D, and it was mild. I used to have a crappy immune system, but not now! The combo of probiotics (get good ones, found in the refrigerator of a solid health food store) and Vit D works wonders. - go here and do research.

  9. Fletcher: I get the red milk at the store for my shakes, does that count?

  10. Man do I post a lot. I just looked at the last Nate. I also scaled down to 1.5 pood KBS on that, so the PR here is a little better than I thought.


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