Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 50 Done


  1. Managed to get my 50 in while sipping on coffee and watching the news. Pullups 5x10 and HSPs 10x5. The only day that has really sucked ass was the day after the heavy shoulder lifting. That day the hsps were almost impossible.

    I am thinking that if we go heavy again on shoulders, then I will take a rest day the next day. Other than that, I think the loading of smaller sets is working good and not hurting me to bad.

    How goes it for the rest of you?

  2. Justinius the Strength:

    I talked to Weaver about this, as well as another trainer buddy of mine, and while I am certainly not discounting what you are doing or its effectiveness, given my past with shoulder issues and having a cyst in my shoulder, I thought better of this program and opted out. However, I have been doing 20 HSPU's and 20 Dead hangers during warm ups, as well as 10-20 ring dips. Not every day, but often. That being said, you are an animal!

    Weaver and the other dude thought it would be too much focus on certain muscle groups without proper recovery and cautioned against it - but again, opinions are like bungholes.

  3. Fletcher: I thought you were gonna do it with 3 on 1 off? Isn't that enough rest?

  4. In my view, no... but I'm probably wrong and you'll get strong as hell doing this. Weaver, Myles, etc. were thinking that to pound the same muscle groups over and over could cause problems, but who knows. If it isn't setting you back or hurting you keep going and show us the results! My shoulder has a bad history so I thought I shouldn't do this. I'll still be doing more HSPU's during warmups though.


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