Tuesday, December 28, 2010



  1. Wodoers: Still fighting a cold, so I took it slow and steady, which must be the way to do this wod fast. 9:20 massive pr and I cleaned the weight from the ground, so eat shit cold:)

  2. I scaled to 165, 185 hurt too much and it wasn't worth it to me. L-pullups were slow, but still a decent time for me.


    Justin way to tame that cold :)

    Later guys.

  3. Hey guys, good work!!!I cut the weight in half but doubled the reps as to move the same amount of weight overall. Figured 3x185=555 so 6x95= 570. I hate the fact that I can't lift real man weights ever again. I think 3x185 is harder than 6x95 but I can't do anything about it.

    TT 7:13 today. 9:31 last time as RX'd. First two rounds unbroken.

    This was the best speed, form, and ROM I have ever had on LPU's, totally strict, all reps. Barely failed two reps so I did em' over, no cheating. Bull made me strong! Still quite sore from Bull two days later. Feeling strong boys. I like it.


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