Saturday, December 11, 2010



  1. I ran a warm-up mile to start. Then did 225 on bench for the first 4 rounds and 205 on the last round.

    Bench: 4, 3, 3, 2, 4
    PU: 12, 8, 10, 8, 9

    All bench presses were done without a spot which I figure is how most of you all are doing them as well. Anyway, it was a good Saturday. Later fellas.

  2. I got a total of
    64 bench presses
    115 pull ups. I forget the exact round numbers but shit my chest is sore today. The first round I did 19 bench and 27 pull ups, but after that it went a little less each round.

  3. Mike 225 is STOUT dude. Myles you are a beast as usual. Thanks for coming by and posting sometimes! I still need to get a video of my terrible attempts at MU's so you guys can try to figure out what goes wrong. I can't get into the dive. I can do 23ish ring dips unbroken so once I get there I can finish it, just can't get up into the position for some reason.

    I scaled this back to 185 (weighing 215 right now as usual) early in the AM in the garage by myself with no spotter makes me cautious here.

    Last time I did this WOD with 175 and still today got a PR for total reps.

    Bench: 12, 10, 9, 6!, 7
    Pullups: 21, 20, 14, 15, 11

    Total reps 125

    6! means I barely go the last one up.

    I do rest between sets on this one, not sure about you guys? Since it says max reps I figured in my own mind a couple of minutes rest was OK and it's more of a brute strength WOD, but I am not sure.

    I apologize if my Fithy post seemed boisterous, I was just having fun, playing around. I know I'm a wuss compared to millions of people, but a PR by almost 4 minutes had me a bit fired up. I felt wasted all day yesterday from that. Whitten looks insane. Mikko 30 minutes = an hour for normal people.

  4. We'll call it Lynne light for me today. I'm real apprehensive doing bench press since my injury, but I love bench press. First time since March, but if felt pretty good.

    Bench Press 135#'s 15-15-15-15-15
    Pull-ups - 11-10-10-9-8

    Total reps 123

    Major weak sauce on the pullups, but I'll get back to where I was before.

    Whitten looks brutal. By the way Craig, you never shook my hand or saluted or bought me a beer and I'm veteran. What the hell?? :) Just messing with you buddy.

    Later guys!

  5. Oh I'm sure I've bought you a beer or two sir! Careful with that shoulder big boy!

  6. Yes you most certainly have sir! We need to drink beers soon. Believe I'm taking it easy on the shoulder. I was tempted to throw some more plates on the bar but said not today. I'm feeling good I don't want to take a step backwards.

  7. OK back to regular CF posting after my rant last night.

    Why, why, why does my bench strength continue to regress? It's not like I was starting in a very good spot anyway. Scaled to 185#, same as I did last time this came up. For bench I got 2-2-3-3-2; last time was 4-4-3-4-3. Pissed.

    PUs improved though. My grip was by far the limiting factor; I did these mostly kipping but not strung together so that's a problem for long sets. I got 16-14-12-10-10, so 62 versus 54 last time.

    And what are you apologizing for Fletcher? That filthy post was awesome. Except for the fact that you beat me, and doing airsquats vs my tuck jumps no less.

  8. Chas - has your weight gone down with your bench, or is just your bench down? I know that my bench goes down when I've lost weight.

    Fletch - I set the clock at 2 minutes rest between rounds, and basically the time it takes me to walk from one station to the other between BP and PU. Don't apologize for the Filthy. I think we all try to beat each others' times/numbers every day (in a friendly way) which is part of the reason why CF kicks ass.


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