Monday, December 20, 2010

Back Squat 3's


  1. Hey knuckleheads! I made up the heavy Cindyish AMRAP this morning... posted over there. Shoulders are SHOT!

  2. WATCH THIS!!! YA!!!!

  3. It's been awhile since I've done heavy squats. I use the term "heavy" loosely because my definition of heavy and Justinius the Strong's definition of heavy are on two different things completely. I didn't know where to start so 205 sounded good to me.


    Not sure what my 3 rep PR is but this is pretty close. I have to look back in my spreadsheet. Great video Craig, if that doesn't get you motivated I don't know what will.

    Peace out fellas!

  4. Nice video Fletcher!

    Did 1 deadhang pull up in 1 minute then 1 hsp in minute then 2 and so on so a minute per each. Got to round 10 and the got all pull ups and 6 hsps. I wasn't in the mood to do any fuckin squats today, nice work Chris.

  5. Had an idea for a guy like me who can't lift heavy. Next time Backsquat 3's or 5's come up, I might just do like 300 squats with the bar, or 200 95 lb squats. That spanked me bad the other day....


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