Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shoulder WOD

SP 5x1
PP 5x1
PJ 5x1


  1. Got this one in before the gym closed after the DL/GHDSU WOD.

    SP: 135, 155, 165, 175, 180
    PP: 155, 175, 185, 195(2), moved on
    PJ: 165, 175, 185, 195(3), got booted

    Later fellas.

  2. I had to do an abbreviated WOD before hitting the road, which is unfortunate since I need more shoulder work.

    SP 115,125,135,145f,145f,140 (matched pr)
    PP 155 across

    And done. PP 3RM is 160, but I just decided to get a lot of weight under the curve so I didn't ramp up. Still, this felt pretty good, except that I was cleaning all the lifts and my lower back was still growling from yesterday.

  3. No heavy overhead for me just yet. I'm trying to play it smart with the shoulder. Overall it felt pretty good.

    SP x 1: 95,100,105,110,115
    PP x 3: 115,115,115,115,115
    PJ x 5: 115,115,115,115,115


  4. WODoers: Got a massive 10# pr on the shoulder press with 185#s, fuck yeah! Took Louie Simmons advice and called it a day since I had warmed up with the pull up back ex wod. I will have to fit in my remaining 20hsps throughout the day.


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