Friday, December 3, 2010

Stuff I can't Do:)


  1. WODoers: Along with the fact that pistols and waliking on my hands are damn near impossible for me, it was about 38 degrees outside and a sloppy mess everywhere this morning, so I punted. I did 30 muscle ups for time and got a monster PR of 7:00 flat. I would have gotten six something but I missed rep 25 and had to redo it.

    Day 33 of the strict dead hangs and hsps is rough to mix in with this wod. I did ten of each pre wod. Finishing the pull ups post wod was no big deal, but I still owe myself 12 hsps before the end of the day. Body just did not want to do those right after the wod.

  2. Justin are you doing the pullups and HSPUs every single day, never resting?

  3. Hi there Ho there boys.

    I subbed this just like last time and got a big PR for me.

    3 rounds
    15 CTB
    1g Ring dips
    10 forward rolls (those are wacky)
    20 pistols
    45 second handstand hold

    last time 18:10 this time 16:24

    For pistols I had plyo boxes on either side of my body... and would guide on the negative just a little with my hands, but always pushed it out from ass below knees unassisted. Same as last time so PR is fair compare. Getting older, getting (Cross)fitter... but still decrepate.


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