Sunday, December 26, 2010


Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile


  1. I watched an HBO documentary called "Wartorn" two days ago and I'll tell you what, combat soldiers go through hell like we can't imagine. Highly reccomended. Made me tear up a few times.

    When I saw this WOD on my phone last night I thought "that's the most brutal WOD I've ever seen on". I had to Fletcherize this one heavily... but I got wasted by it big time. In fact, I think this is the longest WOD I've ever done. I was inspired by the look in Bull's eyes, not to be cheesy... but I see a warrior's soul there. Probably why they called him Bull, and probably why this WOD was off the charts. I thought of him a bunch when I felt like quitting, which was not an option. I was seeing spots, stars, getting dizzy, nauseous, etc. from about 40 minutes on....

    2 rounds
    100 double unders
    200 single unders
    75 65 lb OHS
    50 pullups
    2K Row

    TT 65:48

    Round 1: 30:54
    Round 2: 34:44
    First 100 DU's 7 minutes (200 SU's 2:15)
    Second 100 DU's 9 minutes (200 SU's 2:08)
    (based on this, fair SU sub for me would be 1,000 SU's for 200 DU's, I know that sounds crazy, but that's how long DU's take me)

    2K rows were about 8:30, super slow for me but I was just trying to finish.

    I told The Strong that if he could do this RX'd I'd send him a special prize. I mean it!!

    Here it is Justin:

    I have one and it kicks ass. You do those 100 OHS's and you'd well deserve such a prize!!

  2. Fletcher: That is an awesome wod that you did. Congradulations on finishing.

    I am traveling and don't even have a rope, so I just did my pullups and hsps and ran a 400m for every set I had to break up. It was a good way to ease back in after two days of seriously over eating non-zone at all. I will think about trying the bull as rx'd, but my knees really hurt with high rep OHS and I am not sure it is worth it. Maybe tomorrow. Nice work again Fletcher.

  3. Thank you sir. I think part of my problem with DU's is my rope sucks. I just ordered two of these

    and a 6 footer of these:

    So at least I can do ass to cieling rope climbs. I think in the spring I am going to build some sort of a roof mount harness deal where I can do real deal 15 foot rope climbs. There are so many things I can't do cos of my back and knee that I'd like to maximize what I CAN do, and physically I CAN do rope climbs, so I just need to build a crane arm thing or something to hang one from.

  4. Great. I thought this one looked nasty, then I saw your posts and it's apparently even worse. Tomorrow's gonna suck.

    I made up DT today, scaled to 135# but I made a good pr @ that weight of 14:15, down from 15:05.

  5. Chas a big part of my time is the fact that I really stink at DU's!!

  6. Wow this is a workout. I met some our coaches at the gym this afternoon and we got down on the Bull. With 2 inches of snow and snowing we went for it.
    TT 48:23 with snow, and we took the bar from the floor for oh squats

    Way to get this one done Fletcher. I too saw spots after round 1. Yeah a good rope makes a huge difference on the DU.


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