Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tabata Squat BTB Run 1 mile


  1. WODoers: This was really fun until round four or so of the tabata, then like Ralph Wiggum said, "It taste like burning." Would have loved to see myself do the goofy as duck walk run for the first 100 to 200m of the run.
    Tabata 15,15,15,15,13,13,12,12 Score 12 run 8:25

    Fletcher: Don't take this the wrong way and I appreciate what you are saying, but you can theorize in one hand and crap in the other and see which fills up first. Or you can start with a hypothesize, create a repeatable experiment, and then gather data that either supports or refutes your hypothesize. Let's just see what the data says at the end of the 100 and go from there. Today immediately following wod 12 hsps to tie pr and 16 deadhang pullups to set new pr.

  2. Justin, I agree. You will have empirical data at the end of the day and no one can argue with it! The feedback I got is based on "conventional wisdom" but CW is often BS!!

    I can't run and my shoulder was hurting still this morning, did a few Randy snatches and it hurt so I knew if I pushed through 75 I'd be sorry. I'd like to come back to Randy when the shoulder is more normal.

    Had two buddies over this morning so we did Tabata This! with rotating stations. Super fun.

    I did GHD (to flat) situps which lowered my numbers big time, normally I hold 13's on regular abmat situps.

    Rowing 11,11,10,9,10,9,8,9 77
    Squats 19,18,17,16,15,16,16,16 133
    Pullups 13,9,6,5,5,5,4,5 52
    Pushups 21,14,10,11,10,10,8,11 105
    Situps 11,11,11,9,8,9,9,9 77
    Total Reps 444

    PR on total reps, and also individually on reps (or calories) for Rowing, squats, and pushups. Had I done AbMat situps I would have totally destroyed my PR (would have scored about 468) but still last time was 428.

  3. Ouch. The burn during the "rest" was brutal. The run was comical for the first 200m or so as Justin pointed out.

    17,15,14,14,14,13,13,14 Score 13

    Run 8:53

    I am sore as fuck from yesterday. It's been about 2 1/2 weeks since I started CF full time again. It's getting better, but I've got a ways to go. I may start the 100 day challenge after the first of the year. Lord knows I can use work on both.


  4. I'm putting my faith in you Justin. I've had a bunch of break days the past two weeks though, so I'm only up to Day 8 (I'm doing DHPUs, ring dips, and HSPU). PUs are still unbroken w/out much problem; RDs I'm trying to go deep ROM and no kip so those are slow but coming; HSPUs up to about 5 with practically full ROM.

    For today, I thought about rowing but then I saw Justin's post so I had a rabbit to chase and ran instead:


    So I didn't catch the rabbit. Holy shit do those squats burn when you do them that way. I think my first 1/4 mile took about half my running time.


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