Thursday, December 16, 2010

Weighted P/U Bex 3 rounds


  1. WODoers: Still easing back into the metcon, so I did unweighted dead hangs and good mornings. TT=4:05 good warm up.

  2. Hey boys. As you've seen, I've had a couple of friends joining me for WOD's lately. My buddy Heath thought the Filthy Fifty sounded "fun" so he wanted to try it, so here we went again. The Fiddy twice in 6 days. Got another PR today @ 25:54 (subbed squats for DUs) but again I had a problem and could have gone faster. I got a SEARING NASTY CAN'T OPEN MY EYES headache during Jumping PU's and I had to stop for 30-45 seconds, then started again, it came back, had to stop for 10-15 seconds again, and eased my way back in. I could go sub 25 if I didn't have anything wrong. Still, a PR is a PR. It's those damn burpees and K2E's that kill ya!

    PP went 35/15 with about 5 seconds rest
    KBS unbroken
    Burpees paced well, unbroken... but slow, just paced em.
    Wall balls went 26/14/10/10
    Squats hurt really bad I was done by then

  3. Shoulder is a little sore today from yesterday's WOD. I did dead hangs, they don't seem to bother it as much as the kipping. Back Extensions on the Yukon. Love that thing

    TT: 3:54

    Later fellas

  4. Oh and I forgot to mention these were NOT weighted. Not ready for that. I have a hard enough time lifting my ass up on regular pullups.

  5. Be careful with that shoulder. If it's sore... like in a non muscle sore way, back down my man.

  6. Yeah I hear you. I'm trying to hold back but it's hard to. I did ask my surgeon specifically about all the different types of things we do in CrossFit land. He didn't have a problem with any of them, just warned me to not go heavy again. Especially overhead. I'll proceed with caution.

    Is there a specific type of that COQ-10 you would recommend. Wally world had like 4 different kinds.

  7. I had to steer clear of the 300mg megadoses from Costco, it made me feel weird. I think 100mg is good. I got mine at one of those hippy vitamin places... out here it's called "Whole Foods", they have high quality stuff. Then again, I talked to this supplement geek girl and she thought 300mg was good for most people. Not for me, says I.

  8. Loaded up the weight vest with 30 lbs. Last round got 6 WPU unbroken. TT 6:31. Harder than I thought it would be.

    Worst part of this WOD was the 500M row I did to "warm up" @ 1:33, had to rest 3-4 minutes after this before real WOD, Frannish throat burn.


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