Friday, December 24, 2010



  1. Did the WPU/BE WOD from a week ago or so, posted there. 30 lbs weight vest TT 6:31. 500M row in 1"33 for warmup, rowing hurt the worst but WPU's were harder than I thought!!

  2. WODoers: 14:10 pr. My HPCs are weak. Was reduced to 3-3-2-1 for last 3 rounds. Everything else went pretty fast. I am definitely taking a full rest day tomorrow. Merry X-mas to all.

  3. No heavy DT for me. I decided to play it smart with the shoulder. RX'd on the deads, 115 on the HPC's and PJ's. It was still an ass kicker for me.

    TT: 10:32

    Merry Christmas guys!

  4. This is the WOD I did last April that sent me into a tailspin realization that I had a broken and malformed back after seeing those scans. I love HPC's, my favorite lift maybe... gone are those days. Good work fellars. Merry Christmas!! We start a new cycle tomorrow, and for me, 12/27/2008 was my first CF WOD (Murph), so coming up on my two year anniversary here! Might just have to do Murph again, but with 2K rows on the front and back. Sounds awful.

  5. Made this one up today. I scaled to 135#, like I've done in the past, but I made a pr of 14:15 at that weight. I think once I can get this down to 12-13mins I'll go up to rx'd weight.


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