Sunday, June 7, 2009

21 75# Thruster 21 DUs 5 RDs


  1. WODoers:

    Started my exclusive run training today. Ran 10 miles. First 5 miles gained 1500 feet in elevation. 1:01 back in 58 minutes. That is the furthest I have ever gone. Had some walk breaks after 90 minutes. That uphill killed me.

  2. I'll start following main site next cycle, I took the CF Oly lifting class yesterday, 3 hours of reps mostly snatch, snatch squat, power cleans, squat cleans, jerk, and press. Suffice to say, my squat muscles are super sore today (and my traps from all of that shrugging) so I didn't think doing 105 thrusters sounded wise. This WOD sounded awesome though. I can't do DU's, but I can do them one at a time. Next time a DU WOD comes up, I'm going RX'd even if it takes a really long time.

    Instead I did a garage WOD with my wife. AMRAP for 20 minutes of:

    20 pushups
    20 fitball GHD situps
    10 ring dips
    10 pullups
    Parallette L sit max time (stupid to put this here, I can only do this for > 10 seconds!)

    Got about 5 rounds, whooped me good! Combining all of these push/pull moves was brutal.

    Chelle did burpees, jumping pullups, wall balls, and fitball GHDs.

    GHD machine shows to be arriving Wednesday. SCHWING! Bring on the pain baby.

  3. I hear you Justin, I'm going to put in a solid 45 days of solid dieting and training split between crossfit HQ and crossfit football WOD's then hit up 3 months of squat training. Got to up the numbers and get a 900+ CFT and my back squat is what's killing me.

    Good luck and hit it hard.


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