Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Nasty Girls"

3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps


  1. WODoers:

    30 muscle ups for time 10:29 PR

    Off to do 90 minute plus run. Trying to get nutrition right for 27th. Don't want a repeat of the hammer gel disaster from yesterday. Tried to eat 4 blocks with double the fat. I was able to eat the eggs and nuts but could only manage about 3/4 of the oatmeal. We'll see how it goes. I'm done with gels and paste. I may take some string cheese along for the run.

  2. Punted: Ended up going for 40 minutes. Just fucking tired and sore today. Food worked out okay though.

  3. Justin you are a workhorse. Your hard work really gives me the motivation to hit these WOD's hard. Today was pretty brutal, don't have a ceiling high enough to try the Muscle ups and I don't know if I could do them anyway, but I'd like to try. So a 4:1 ratio it was.

    3 Rounds
    50 Squats
    28 Pullups, 28 Ring Dips
    10 135# Hang Power Cleans

    TT: 22:18

    First time with the "Nasty" and not all that impressed with the time, but I finished it and I hit it hard. Pullups and Ring dips slowed me down today. Must be all the pullups from yesterday caught up with me.

    Later fellas...

  4. First Nasty for me too. Holy Grips, Batman. I can barely type. I again scaled with the MU's, to self spotted, toes on the floor, but did the 135# cleans. TT: 15:58


  5. Had the neighborhood kids time me, then their dad showed up and got a chance to see what crossfit is all about... Nearly crapping you pants after a WOD.

    "Nasty Girls"

    3 rounds for time of:
    50 Squats
    7 Muscle-ups
    135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps

    6:03 Rx'd

    10 minute rest

    5K Run (5.1K)


  6. Jacob - you are a machine, what else can we say?

    All you guys, you busted ass! I was a day behind so I did yesterday's today cos yesterday Sean and I did the crazy ass tire WOD.

    Rest day indeed. Excellent work by all, we need a rest day, except Jacob, who will... of course, WOD 4 times tomorrow cos' he just can't get enough.

  7. Thanks Fletcher, will post the Nasty video tomarrow... The MU were a little short on the extension, I think I set my rings to low, but still a good effort.

    Will probably hit the up the Crossfit Football WOD of the day tomorrow and a little extra of coarse.

    So did you pick up a HD pocket cam yet? Let me know.

  8. I keep having a hard time tracking the schedule. I rested last Thursday cos' of being sick, so WOD'd last three days and thought it was a rest day today, but no... 5K run, which for me would be a row. My body is beat down though, I might just rest today and start a 4 day cycle tomorrow... I dunno. Right now I am sore all over the place and not feeling too fired up about the dreaded 5K row. Next time I do a 5K row I am going to be serious about getting sub 19 and I just don't see it happening today, so there, I just decided. Today I rest, tomorrow I row hard.

    Jacob, no HD pcket cam yet. I have an HD "regular" cam already. We have a house to sell and 3 more coming up (that's my wife's business, house flipping), so once that first one closes maybe I can get one!

  9. Killer Mountain bike ride! Using the CrossFit muscles to drive that bike up the hills.

  10. Did a two hour kayak on Lake Tahoe at 9:30am. Super calm water, sunshine...bitchin.


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