Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers: I am traveling and had access to bumpers so I did the WOD today. No 10# plates, so had to make big jump and couldn't do it.
    95/95/105/105/135failed these were weird

    Then work on regular snatch form with 135. Did a bunch of those snatches mike teaches were you hold at the bottom, they were fun. Need to do snatches way more often, but with no bumpers its hard.

  2. It's ludicrous... total nausea all night long barely slept can't WOD. Whatever. Constantly sick. Kids puking. Craziest damn season of my life.

  3. Hanging Power Snatches ... ridiculous. You've got to be on your game to even attempt these with weight. But, God, are the fun.

  4. First time with these, good practice though, 75,85,95,105,115f,115,115f,115,125f,115.


  5. I haven't done these since my Olympic Lifting class. I had no idea where to start, but I found out quickly that I wasn't going to be able to do alot of weight.


  6. Suck's to hear that your children have the plague Craig, get better soon.

    Deadlift, Row and Go!

    30-20-10 reps for time of:
    Deadlift, 225lbs
    Row for Calories
    200m Kettlebell Carry, 2 Pood

    Jacob 12:30 Rx'd (DL's 22/8, 8/6/4/2, 10)

  7. Me gotta funny. They should make a WOD called "The Dirty Mind" comprised solely of snatches and thrusters. Huh huh... (like Butthead)

    I didn't have as hard of a time with these for some reason. "back in the day" the HP clean was something I could do pretty well too, so I guess they are sort of related.

    Did this today (Thursday) cos out sick again yesterday. Didn't do full WOD cos of time, just wanted to see what I could do here. Didn't plan on going heavy cos' my shoulder, but it felt good so what the heck.

    45x10 practicing form
    95x5 (very easy)
    125x3 (still felt easy)
    145x1 (HARD! adding 20 lbs made all the difference)
    145x1 - barely got it, decided to back down for the day and move on to push and pull hell.


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