Thursday, June 18, 2009

50-35-20 Wall Ball and Pullups

Edward and Sean, they did find out you guys got your Garage Gym wall balls, that's why this WOD. Thanks a lot guys.

For time:
50 Wall-ball shots 50 Pull-ups
35 Wall-ball shots 35 Pull-ups
20 Wall-ball shots 20 Pull-ups

Use 20 pound medicine ball launched to a target ten feet above the ground.

I know everyone wants to see my 8 month old son naked too... just to get you fired up for the WOD. Almost as inspirational as Justin's quotes eh?


  1. Still coughing up green phlegm and my metcon is crappy right now cos I am crappy right now. This one was hard for me, my pullups have weakened. Did full warmup and HP snatches first too, so did 120 pullups today. Crazy ass CrossFit. If you hate pullups, you'll hate CrossFit. Good thing we love them.

    TT = 18:07. Spent at least 10 of these minutes waiting until I could do more pullups. Mostly sets of 5, last 4 pullups I did one at a time with two kips each one :-)

  2. My arms are killing me after that disaster. Craig I hope when I come out we can work on my kip, it's definitely not 100%. I get the work done, but it hurts doing that many pullups.

    TT: 15:10

  3. 12:39 with new GS Ball.
    I've been tossing a 20lb basketball for a 1yr which is much smaller. The big ball threw me off a few times. Awkward catches and what not.
    I'll get used to it and Sub 12 next time.

  4. Going to hit up the HQ WOD tonight, didn't wake up until 5:30PM after my night shift. Gave this one a go this afternoon.

    "The Mountain"

    Ascending ladder, AMRAP in 20 minutes of: (1,1,1 2,2,2 3,3,3...)

    Squat Clean and Jerk, 135lbs/95lbs
    CTB Pull-up

    Jacob 9 Rounds, +10 C&J +5 Burpee's (PR)

    15 minutes rest then

    800m Run x3

    Jacob 2:29, 2:34 and 2:39

  5. This was painfull, arms are going to burst. Sucks though, my wall ball target is 10'2" off the floor on the ceiling so I shorted myself some ROM, but it was an honest effort.

    For time:
    50 Wall-ball shots, 20lbs
    50 Pull-ups
    35 Wall-ball shots, 20lbs
    35 Pull-ups
    20 Wall-ball shots, 20lbs
    20 Pull-ups

    Jacob 7:52

    The video of the WOD is on my blog if anyone's interested.

  6. 25:46. Slow on the pull-ups still.



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