Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Supposed to be a Rest Day

This AM I gave myself a good butt kicking.

Warm up was 2 rounds of

10 75 lb. overhead snatch squats (those wind your ass for speed!)
5 slow-mo pushups (3 count down 3 count up)
5 dead hang pullups
500M row
10 GHD BE's
10 GHD flat situps

Then immediately (with heart still racing)

WOD "Ring Me"

3 rounds of

10 ring pushups
10 ring L pullups
10 ring dips
10 ring "from floor" pullups (not sure what to call those)

17 minutes for Ring Me. Super duper slow, but having to wait for muscle recovery.

Then another 500M row that about made me puke. I'm done

Covered in sweat so something happened out there in the garage.


  1. Kick as WOD Craig, sounds like a CNS shocker, I couldn't imagine what your body felt like after that. It was my buddy Nate Rud's birthday today out here so I came up with a WOD in his honor, check it out.

    I also got some kick ass pictures up on the blog of Nate after the WOD, he looks terrible.


    For Time:
    500m Row
    50 KBS, 1 Pood
    50 Wall Ball Shots, 20lbs
    500m Row
    35 KBS, 1.5 Pood
    35 Wall Ball Shots, 20lbs
    500m Row
    20 KBS, 2 Pood
    20 Wall Ball Shots, 20lbs
    500m Row

    Jacob 19:40 Rx'd

    Shane 39:33 Rx'd

    Nate 27:51 Rx'd

    Happy Birthday Nate!

  2. Jacob. You are brutal. Do these guys like you?

  3. Shane went as far as to say this might have been the WOD that would make him quit crossfit once he was done. Pretty bad, try it and tell me what you think.


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