Monday, June 8, 2009

Rest Day

Train easy, fight hard... and die.
Train hard, fight easy... and win.

Tomorrow I begin to follow the main site. I've also been checking out CrossFit Football, they have some tasty WODs out there!

Here's my 8 month old son, his first time on a swing. Taken at the park yesterday with my cell phone. His name is Max... he's my buddy.

1 comment:

  1. All the software come right in the pocket cam and it has direct links on you editing menu for youtube abd photobucket. The editing is a sinch, but with advanced editing there is a bit of a delay in loading video, or should I say storing videos, but the best thing about it is that it has a HDMI out put and come with a cable so you can watch videos right on your TV without having to edit them or put them to disc. For a person without a cam corder I am really pleased with it and like it alot. My only gripe is that you have to pay 15 buck to upgrade the editing software throught creative, but it's worth it if you want to make more advanced movies and stuff.

    The running Grace was not my idea, but rather crossfit-tricities idea.

    Thanks anyways Craig


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