Saturday, June 13, 2009


Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups, 21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups, 18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups, 15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups, 12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups, 9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups6 Sit-ups

Compare to:


  1. 3rd time with this and I shaved off almost another minute. Rest day did me good because I feel great today.

    TT: 12:24

    Enjoy the weekend fellas!

  2. Nice work on the PR CJ.


    10k for me today. Tried eating a Hammer gel 15 minutes before the run. Not good. Spent first half trying not to puke then got better.

    Out in 29:30 back in 25:38 for 55:08. Last mile 7:10. Need to get the nutrition dialed in for the 27th, I think the legs are almost ready.

  3. Nice one Chris! Justin, you are rock solid.

    Still have a cold, up all night two nights in a row with mega coughing kid, despite all of that, Sean met me this morning @ 7:45 and we did a mega tire WOD that almost made me puke.

    5 rounds of 200 foot 140 lb farmer carry, 10 tire flips each including a box jump onto the tire, 12 16 lb sledge whacks.

    Sean 18:11 Craig 15:40

    Sean can guaranteed spank me on anything that is body weight related, but the farmer carries and tire flips were harder on him even though is cardio his twice as strong as mine... (for example, he can do Murph in 32 minutes!!!) I outweigh the dude by 35 pounds or so, so it makes sense. I have a bigger ass, and big asses are good for things like this.

    Last round was my fastest, I went berzerk. In fact, both first rounds (last week and this tire WOD) were about 2:15, 5th round today was 1:45ish... seriously nauseous that last round.

    I'll make up this WOD tomorrow, unless tomorrow's WOD is just too delicious. From the perspective of working alternating muscle groups, this one will make more sense I'm sure, since today my legs are a mess. That's like doung 50 fairly heavy squat/cleans/deadlifts throwing that damn tire around... and the last thing you want to do after that is jump up onto the darn thing.

    We took video, I might post later on. Wiped out right now, in desperate need of a nap, or maybe just a White Russian.

    Later duders

  4. I made up Cindy today, missed it earlier in the week. I was doggin it in the middle, never could catch my breath. Got 12 rounds plus 3 pullups. The squats seemed to kill me this time, usually its the pull-ups. Something is out of whack, think it is just the alergies, I'll trudge through till things get back to normal.


  5. Today and yesterday's results were good for my confidence. Went at this like my life depended on it, like a mad dog, yelling out loud to get that last pullup, stuff like that. TT = 11:40, PR by 80 seconds, somehow... in light of the fact I still have a cold and what I've been through lately?! All pullups overhand, which slowed me down compared to the chinups that I would normally resort to alternating with for faster time. Head still throbbing and can barely type, feel queasy. Hey Simpson?! I'm back bee-hatch.

    Chelle got 12:24, she did jumping pullups and fitball GHD situps.

  6. Hey Boys:

    Been hot as hell down here and just getting sick and tired of Ft. Hood, TX. Not been in a real good mood and not working out the past week. Did this one today w/ no great sense of urgency. Did this at 5:30 this morning outside where it was about 75 degrees already w/ 70% humidity. This place blows!! Hung rings from a tree for the pull ups. Only a couple more weeks then on to a hotter, drier place. At least the gym is open 24/7 there. Lots of time to get in a WOD or 2 every day. Can't wait! Anyway, todays suck ass time of 23:23. Well over 10 minutes over last time.


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