Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cindy or Mary


  1. WODoers:

    That's funny, I'm scheduled to due Mary tomorrow as part of my run training. What's not funny is today was Mr. Joshua and a 30 minute run after work. Did the GHSUPs on a flat bench with feet hooked on dumbells head to floor. Those are brutally slow and hard on the hamstrings compared to the propped up back ex machine. Six minutes slower than pr, but still a great work out. I blame the slowness on the situps, runs felt good.

    Maybe you guys will get lucky and get to do Mr. Joshua tomorrow.

  2. WODoers:

    Joshua has me taking aleve and stacking books under my keyboard so I can type standing up. That is wrong.

    Jake: Check out the journal article call "Crossfit Strength Bias." They seemed to get great result without anything as horrible sounding as training squats for 3 months.

  3. WODudes:

    Justin, you are hardcore man. Your commitment and consistency is inspirational to me! I can't slack off because I know you are out there getting up at 5:30 and kicking ass.

    I certainly lost a step with Cindy today, but not surprised! My shoulder injury kept me from doing any pushups or pullups for over two months, then had the surgery, and in between got sick a couple of times. Justin, those "shoulder pull back tricks" you taught me over the phone are helping.

    Today was my first day getting back to main site WODs, and wouldn't you know it, that bee-otch Cindy comes to town. Of course I woke up to pee in the middle of the night and laid there thinking about Cindy for a few. My PR is 15 squats shy of 20 rounds, today I got 17 rounds with about 20 seconds left, didn't bother busting out the round 18 pullups, I had enough. I am pleased with that though. First CF WOD ever was Cindy late December and I got 16 rounds and I think put out more effort then than I did today (felt sick then, today was fine), and back then I thought I was "fit" cos I did P90X for 5 months. Also, all pullups today were overhand grip which for me is a handicap cos' usually I alternate underhand and overhand and underhand (chinups) are about 1/2 as hard for me.

    All things considered then, I am quite pleased with 17 rounds and it's good to be back in the game. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? That's the cool thing about being back following the main site.

    I'd love to do Mary some time, I have to talk to the PT this week about doing heavy overhead stuff like HSPUs.

  4. Craig, welcome back to the party. Not bad at all for not being able to hit the WOD's with your injury.

    I finally did it, I got 20 rounds on this bitch with 6 seconds to spare. My ass was whooped good. I decided yesterday would not be a rest day and I was paying for it today. Did some Front Squats and Thrusters just for fun, then I saw Cindy and I was more than thrilled to do 300 squats today. Anyway, 3rd time with this and I get better each time. That's the point isn't it? Later fellas..

  5. Chris - Excellent work to get 20 full rounds you bad ass you. My buddy Sean can do 25+ so you're still a wuss though, just not as big of a wuss as I am is all. Jacob Szafranski can probably do 63 rounds so there's always room isn't there, and Myles and Travis used to be able to do a bunch too, but that was back when they worked out. They're retired gym builders now.

    No really, congrats on the 20 rounds, that is bad ass. Very few people can do that.


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