Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Arm Wod

Two rounds of:
Right arm barbell push-press 12 reps
Left arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meters
Left arm barbell push-press 12 reps
Right arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meter


  1. WODoers:

    Half marathon 2:02:25. Missed my goal by a couple of minutes. Should have trained more on pavement. The pounding really got to me by mile 10. I doubt I'll ever run this far again on a road, but would definitely do it again on a trail. Stupid shuttle bus was late so we had to hop out of the bus and go. Would have really appreaciated even 5 minutes to stretch. Still I feel pretty good about getting that out of my system and almost getting sub 2 hour. Looking forward to getting back on the main site WOD for a while.

  2. Great work Justin, sounds like all your hard training paid off.

    This workout was interesting to say the least. I only have 1 bar so changing weights really cost me some time. Plus I was sweating so hard the bar kept slipping from my shoulder during the push-press. Enough excuses...

    R1 12 70lb PP
    12 135lb DL
    12 65lb PP
    12 135lb DL
    w/Running 17:23
    R2 12 65lb PP
    12 135lb DL
    12 65lb PP
    12 135lb DL
    w/Running 16:40

    Enjoy the weekend guys!

  3. You guys inspire me. Saw this WOD and thought better of it with the wrist and shoulder still on the mend. Sorry dudes.

    But, I missed Tabata Something Else when it came through town so I did it. That's a bitch right there.


    Pullups - 9,9,9,9,7,7,5,6 - 61
    Pushups - 12 each set - 96
    AbMat Situps - 10 each round - 80
    Squats - 14,14,14,14,13,14,13,14 - 110

    The two sets I couldn't do 14 squats the legs just burned like crazy. Don't do tabata squats the day after a grueling climb on a mountain bike. Man that burned... rest day abounds.

    Got a poker tournament starting here at the house in 20 minutes, gotta go ice the beer!

  4. Boys (trouble typing, kinda boozed) - Sneaking a "proud CrossFit post" before I get in trouble... but we had a poker party tonight, ang there was a guy here, friend I work with, 10 years younger than me, I was talking *just a little* bout CorssFIt (Mike Machos for you ARCADIS guys) that just did a 1/2 iron man, he was pretty sober, challenged me to a pullup contest, quite boldy might I add, and honestly I was intmiated, this guy is a specimen.. finally I agreed.. so we go out there, croud around, he does a meager 13 chinups unbroken, inside (I am buzzed big time, but ALL fired up) I am smrinking, I busted out 24, yelled out on last one, going hard.. he doesn't know how CrossFitters yell loud, give it all, and get manly.. so he goes "dude, you're a lot older than me, but wow... I give you credit, that was crazy. I want to start doing CrossFit workouts with you." I said almost nothing. tried hard to be humble and quiet, gave him knuckles, and he starts in my garage gym next week. Yah. And this is all after 10+ adult beverages and tabata something else. Viva La CrossFit. Imagine if I were Myles or Weave... dude would have peed on the spot.

    I'm out.

  5. I just read that again sober minded the next day... I'm an idiot. But really, he was talking smack. He was CERTAIN that he could do more pullups than I could. His extension was subpar too on the bottom, elbows nowhere near locked and I was sayin "you're not going all the way down" and he'd say "that doesn't really matter". :-)

    Well, I hope none of this sounds boastful, cos I ain't nothin' compared to truly fit dudes.

  6. CrossFit: 10 Vs. Other Fitness: 0

    Who's laughing now?

    Great work Craig, way to make a believer out of someone talking smack.

  7. Imagine if it were you Jacob... 13, you would have been asking yourself "Should I stop at 40 or keep going to 60?"

    This is just an example of the "what is fitness?" question. People think triathletes have it all going on. True, I am not a triathlete because I don't train for that (don't have the time, knees disallow running), but there are other indications of fitness besides the long slow distance stuff.

    Time to squat, deadlift, and shoulder press.


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