Wednesday, June 24, 2009

95's: Thrusters, HPCs, and SDLHP's AMRAP for 20

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:

95 pound Thruster 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

This one sounds oh so goooood... and nasty.

I'm gonna bang out the cleans and sumos, but the thrusters will kill me.

Let's get it on boys.


  1. I posted this last night and called it "Craig's House" thinking I was going to get up this morning and kick some butt. Well, as it turns out, I've been up since 3:30 AM. Son, again, would not sleep. Uggghhhh... I might go home and knock this out during lunch, otherwise it will have to be tonight or tomorrow morning.

  2. This one made my ears ring. SDHP's were the toughest for me. I'm more of a push guy then a pull guy. I really think I could get better with these if Craig would just buy me that C2 rower. Have fun with this one. It was nasty.

    8 Rounds + 2 Thrusters

  3. Totally heinous. First, maybe second time in 6 months where I quit before finishing. Got 5 rounds in 10 minutes.

    Did this mid-day, my garage was 94 degrees according to my car, and no airflow, just a hot musty mess. Around round 4 I started getting a bad side cramp and during round 5 it felt like a knife in my side. Started to do round 6 thrusters and couldn't do one, the pain was intense and I figured there was no point in going crazy. It's not like I am fighting for my life here... which is about the only reason I would have continued. Also been up since like 3:30 so I'm all messed up there too. Waaaa waaa listen to the baby crying.

    I'm going to come back to this one someday early in the AM when it's still cool out there.

    Skipping tomorrow's WOD in lieu of another serious mountain bike ride after work with wifey, followed by beers. Yah baby. I still feel all whacked out and I stopped this WOD 30 minutes ago. Work clothes are all gross and sweaty and I have a meeting in 5 minutes.

  4. Still upset that I couldn't finish this. I will do this again next week.

  5. Finally did a wod, finished 10 rounds exactly.


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