Friday, June 5, 2009

Dead Lift 1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers:

    Still stuck at same weight well below PR.
    225x5/265x5/315x5/365x1/415x1/435 failed

    I am glad that I haven't gone backwards with all the run training, but I was hoping to go forward because of the sprints. Oh well, 415 was easy but 435 didn't even budge.

    Jake, thanks for the diet tip. I have been trying OPT perscription of 30 grams of protein and no carbs for 12% body fat and above post WOD for a couple of days and it is nice. I used to eat 3 blocks of zone for breakfast and was hungry within an hour. Now I can go til 10:30 without eating again, and I'm not starving at 10:30, just hungry enough to eat 2 blocks or so. Looking forward to seeing the performance results.

  2. Dudes - I am going to start following main site theology, but not today. DL is the ONLY WOD that could have come up that I would have to say no to because I DL'd a total of 9,400 lbs on Tuesday, and then flipped that big ass tire 30 times yesterday (which is much like a DL). Meaning, my DL muscles are feeling like toast today. Back on the sauce starting tomorrow though, and actually I look forward to the next time we do heavy DLs cos I WILL break 400 bls or else. Good job Justin!

  3. Sweet, glad to hear things are going well Justin, I'm at a bit of a stumbling block right now. Don't know what it is but I got to mix things up a bit, I think I need a new direction with my training but we'll see what I can come up with.

  4. Jake,

    Swimming sprints are great fun and build cordiantion and different muscles.

  5. WODoers:
    Track closed for repairs, so Tabata runs up a hill steeper than the King. Made 17 rounds, then was done. More lung butter coughed up than during fran.


  6. All, DL's today same as CFT: 225,295,315,345,355fx2,225x2. After the two ill-fated attempts at 355 I was done. -E


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