Thursday, June 11, 2009


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115-pound Hang clean,
15 reps12 Ring dips
21 Sit-ups


  1. WODoers:

    I thought I was going to pull off the miracle Fran PR this morning after scorching through the first round, but Mr. Joshua and Mary caught up with me on the second round and my pull ups went to shit. 4:58 and 30 seconds slower than my PR. I think I'm ready to go sub 4:20 with a little rest.

  2. Hopefully going to try to do this sounds fun, BUT, I got sick again. I know, it's insane.

    5th cold virus in as many months, I can't believe it. Kids. My daughter is the one this time.... I am often the one that comforts her in the night when she's sick so guess what? I get it too...

    Got my GHD today. Looks solid, gonna set it up tonight if I can muster the energy. I'll post a pic maybe, since you all care so much about my gear.

  3. Justin, nice work, you are kicking some serious ass!

    Had a day full of exercise. This morning at 8 one of my clients and I did four rounds of:
    Single leg bench step ups 15/side
    Sprint half the pier
    15 pushups
    20 walking lunges
    10 squat jumps
    10 squats
    15 burpees
    20 backwards walking lunges

    Later did: 15 reverse grip pullups X4 and 15X2 ring dips
    Later did: 6 sets of 15 situps with clients.

    Going to sign the contract on the new space tomorrow.

    Fletcher, you have the immune system of a 2 year old.

  4. Damn Weave, looks like a full day for the most of us, but just a common day for a tornado.

    Even though sick, I made up this WOD today. Got 6 rounds in 21:34 but I did power cleans not squat cleans because I'm supposed to mountain bike tonight and do a tire WOD in the AM, had to save some of the legs! In 20 minutes I had 5 rounds + cleans and about 3-4 ring dips, but wanted to finish round 6. From now on I'll do that, mark what I got RX, then finish my round out where it makes sense.

  5. I did hang squat cleans for this and man did they wind me. This was a great workout.

    4 Rounds, plus 10 hang squat cleans

    Ready for a rest day.

  6. Got 2 rounds in 14 minutes, stopped due to back strain on the lifts, might should have scaled the cleans. After the squats on Wed, this was hard for me. Don't seem to be recovering like I have been for some reason.


  7. Did this one with some heavier weight "cause I got's to get my swole on", but it sucked as I'm sure you all know.

    Warm Up: 2X10 Back Squat with no more than 30 seconds of rest between sets.

    200lbs 2x10


    Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
    15 135lb Hang Squat clean
    12 Ring dips
    21 Sit-ups

    5 Rounds and 9 Hang Squat cleans

    Then Closed with

    20m Run
    50 KTE
    40m Run
    40 KTE
    60m Run
    30 KTE
    80m Run
    20 KTE
    100m Run
    10 KTE

    8:08 Rx'd


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