Monday, June 15, 2009



5K Task Priority:

Pick pace for entire run, then:

Increase one degree of incline every three minutes until fail and back to zero
Increase one degree of incline every two minutes until fail and back to zero
Increase one degree of incline every one minutes until fail and back to zero
Increase one degree of incline every thirty seconds until fail and back to zero

Post Pace and degrees, and if your a good runner or have fresh legs, skip round one


  1. WODoers:

    I find it riduculous the day I'm supposed to the main site WOD its running, but oh well. I really wanted to row this morning but it was taken, so I came up with a new WOD. Legs are shot, so no lunch time tabata today. I picked 6.7 mph pace since that is the pace I want to run on the 27th.


    Either I am really tired or the WOD is harder than it sound. Finished completely soaked in sweat.

  2. As I've mentioned several times before, I'm not a runner but today I cut off almost 2 minutes on the 5K.

    TT: 28:03

    Enjoy rest day fellas, I know I will.

  3. Chris, nice work bud. You mean you didn't used to be a runner, but now you have wings on your heels? I am taking two rest days in a row because my cold isn't going away... I need it to dammit. Next cycle starts tomorrow and I'll hope to be ready. Not doing the 5K row, at least not today.

  4. Went to Tang Soo Do, did a bunch of exercise but the 50 clapping push ups were the topper.

    CJ good effort on the run!


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