Saturday, June 20, 2009



Murphed Murph

2 miles out and 2 miles in


  1. WODoers: This would not be bad on fresh legs, but for me today it was bad:

    Out (8:34/7:52)29:30ish(10:57/8:50)=1:06

    That 3rd mile fuck me up, had to walk a couple of times, but back on race pace by mile four. Pull up bar was soaked in sweat and slicker than two eels fucking in a bucket of snot.

    Kinda fun to push the body hard for several days in a row.

  2. Keep up the running Justin, it can only get easier, that is if it doesn't kill you first. Just grind away and the clock will start ticking slower and slower and you'll keep getting those numbers down.

    Good luck with it.

    Rest day WOD's are always fun.

    Bag and Drag

    5 Rounds for time of:
    200m Bag Carry, 90lbs or Tire Pull, 60lbs
    20 Glute Ham Sit-ups
    20 Back Extensions

    Jacob 13:18 Bagged


    AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
    3 Back Squat, 225lbs
    6 Pull-ups
    9 Push-ups

    Jacob 7 Rounds

    The squats really sucked for me and I didn't have my cage so I had to be careful and slow with it.

  3. Jacob - your body is going to hate you in 10 years. You are a WOD machine!

    Guys, I WOD'd hard today, went mountain biking, climbed for about an hour, climbed nearly 1,400 feet, TT on bike 90 minutes. It was cool, cos it was my first ride this year, which normally really hurts and kicks my ass, but I could have turned around and done it again. 5 months of P90X and then 5 months of CrossFit are certainly to blame. My wife still beat me though, she's a great climber on a bike. I kept up for the first 35 minutes or so but my HR was in the high 160s, I decided on purpose to tone it back to around mid 150's cos that's a better way to train and break in for the season. Then we went out for sushi and sake and had a blast!


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