Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3


  1. Nice work CJ.

    WODoers: Last pre race wod today. I was still pretty sore from the last cycle, but I managed a PR on Helen.
    I sand baged it on the runs a little bit, but still good for me, and shows you can train for LSD and still improve you metcon at the same time. Joggin tomorrow and then pure rest and stretch until Saturday.

  2. Hey fellas,

    I've finally made it to Houston. Me and my Ma drove basically straight down I-15, then through Zion National Park in southern Utah, the Grand Canyon, across New Mexico to Carlsbad Caverns, then across all of Texas to Houston. We left late Monday afternoon, and pulled into Houston on Friday afternoon. Now, I'm just waiting on my stuff to come in from the movers this Saturday. Then, life will hopefully settle in for a while.

    WOD's have been few and far between for me lately. Fighting a bit of a cold too. But, I'll be ready to get back at it after my stuff arrives. Good to see you all are still going at it. Later fellas,


  3. Front Squats felt so so today, still did okay though.

    Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 95X5-145X5-165-175-185-195-210

    15 minute rest then...

    "The Beast"

    AMRAP (Until you time out)
    3 Minute time limit to complete
    400m Run
    40 Total reps of Ring Push-up and/or Pull-ups (You choose reps and movements)
    3 Minute rest at the end of each round

    6 Rounds (stopped after legs started hurting)

  4. First time I have ever tried front squats. The hard part is keeping the heavy weight on the front of your body! Got this one tonight cos this AM I had some problems...

    Two full rounds of of CFWU including GHD machine BE's and GHS situps, ring dips. Love that GHD.

    135-165-195-205-215 x2 ONly got two at 215 because my grip was going and the bar was sliding forward. It was a tough squat though, but tougher was keeping the weight there. I like front squats, they're fun!

    Tomorrow gonna do something cruel to myself in the garage gym, not sure what, but it's bound to hurt.

    Later dudes

  5. Late post for me tonight been running around non-stop.

    CFWU x 3

    Incline Bench Press 165x8,165x8,165x8
    Bench Press 205x8,205x8, 205x8
    Dead Lift 205x5,205x5,205x5

    Then warmup for WOD

    Front Squats
    Bar x 10, 135x10

    165x3, 185x3, 195x3, 205x3, 210x1(PR)

    Front Squats are hard for me, but form is getting better. Wrists didn't hurt as much this time around.


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