Friday, June 19, 2009

Old but New WOD

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Handstand push-ups 5 reps
Bench press 135 pounds, 10 reps
Push press 95 pounds, 15 reps
Dips 20 reps


  1. WODoers: This one looks like fun, but had to do my running thing.

    Michael with GHDsups and hip back ex, + extra 800 for the flavor

    (4:08) TT including trasitions = 33:17 Running feels relatively sound.

    GHDsup make first minute of 800m an awkward try not to fall down shuffle. Less of a gasser than Michael with hooked foot situps, but way more work this way.

  2. I need some clarification on the dips. Main site forum is saying bar dips. I only have rings, it's usually a 3:1 ratio so is 7 reps what I should be doing for those? Can't wait to hit this one later on.

  3. CJ - what does main site comments say, surely some people went over it. The sub is 3:1 you're right.. and that's with dip station dips, not chair dips. I've never seen CF post "regular" dips...

    I can't do HSPU's yet, at least I don't want to, I've come too far in my rehab to mess it up. Also I don't do flat bench, hurts me. So today I did 200 each of squats, situps and pushups in 20 rounds of 10 of each. Took a little under 20 minutes. Then I did 1-1-1-1-1-! DL's and was disappointed because I wanted 400. Turns out that I just can't DL that much weight yet. What a puss. Got 205-255-305-355-375-400(F)-400(F) I got all psyched up but actually, I couldn't even pick it up an inch! dang thing wouldn't budge. It's amazing what adding 25 lbs did cos I got 375, it wasn't easy, I had to yell out, but I got er'.

    They say you are "pretty strong" if you can DL twice your BW. For me, that would be 430. A good goal to attain by end of year. Therefore, Justin, Travis, Elkhorn (where did he go?) and Myles are strong dudes, and I am not.....yet!

    Big time bad ass mountain bike ride planned for tomorrow, has one climb that goes about 75 minutes, a real bear. Then we're going out for Father's Day sushi (and sake, and beer). Sunday doing some crazy hour long boot camp class in some park. My buddy Charlie said it's nuts. Bring it on.

  4. I hereby issue a challenge. Justin, Travis, Myles, maybe you can do this. My buddy Terry is quite fond of pushups. His last tabata was 24-24-24-24-24-24-24-24. Who can beat that? Not me....

  5. Fletcher: Push ups are my goat.

    WODoers: out in 20:04 in 15:22

    Tomorrows murphed murph is going to suck ass.

  6. What is a murphed murph? two miles on either side instead of one?

  7. Terry just reported that he did 500 pushups in 19:51. Sick.

  8. This one surprised me. Shoulders were and still are fried after this. HSPU's and Ring Dips were near impossible after the first round, could only muster 1 or 2 at time. Push press felt alot heavier than 95#'s. Drenched in sweat, I absolutely loved this WOD.

    3 Rounds, + 5 HSPU's + 10 Bench Press + 10 Push Press, next time 4 rounds

    Tomorrow's a rest day, but I have a little race to run with my son's. Swamp Rat Run, should be fun. My upper body will appreciate the break.

    Enjoy the weekend fellas!


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