Wednesday, January 6, 2010

250 Wall balls, 125 pullups

Five rounds for time of:
50 Wall-ball shots with 20-pound ball to ten-foot target
25 Pull-ups

Good thing we finally get to do some pullups. I just listed all of my bumpers, bars, and my rack on Craigslist, I obviously don't need them anymore.


  1. Craig, I'll take the rack and 200# of bumpers.

    WODoers: Shitty pull up bar at globo gym in Cheyenne and subbed 40# thrusters. Are you fucking kidding me!!? 250 fucking thrusters or wall balls.

    Felt pretty good actually, when I was done. Bet I don't feel so great tomorrow.

    TT= 35:16

  2. Justin, you are the perserverant one. Nice job, and nasty sub. I got almost done with my third round when my three year old daughter came out into the garage gym crying saying her ears hurt (normally she'd still be sleeping), and she was really crying so I finished out round three and then went to her. Then I had to move a bunch of furniture around the house cos' some trim carpenters were coming to put in new trim and doors. So anyway, 3 rounds done TT = 14:32. This one was starting to really suck... saved by the earache.

  3. Oh boy I looked at this one and thought what the fuck. Came in last night and did our WOD from the day which was
    5 rounds of
    10 burpee pull ups
    10 70lb oh kettle bell swings
    10 pvc oh squats
    10 20lb slamer ball
    TT 10:32

    Today's wod was done at 6 am finished
    Did not do butterfly pullups, just normal kip. The butterfly's were really wrenching on my neck and shoulder. Can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow?

  4. Glad to be done with this one. Not quite 10' target, but damn close. I'm feeling beat up after yesterday's WOD. I'm going to enjoy the rest day. I may be out for next cycle heading to Virginia for the weekend. The hotel has a weight room so we'll see.

    TT: 26:45


  5. That fucking sucked. I did 45# barbell thrusters.


    Not sure if I'll be back for Fri's WOD but will make it up Sat if need be. I have to head to MA for a funeral. RIP Uncle Mike.

  6. Good Christ!! That marathon kicked my ass. Started off terribly, and finished strong. Arms and back were still sore from Monday. Felt like I started to hit my stride in the middle of the 3rd round. I broke up the rounds in kind of a Tabatha rhythm.

    5 rounds of:
    5x10 Wall Balls
    5x5 Pull-ups

    TT = 34:06

    Arms just started to quiver while typing. Need more water. Later fellas.

  7. Chas, what town do you live in? I'll be out that way in two weeks to White Plains. Maybe we could WOD if it's within striking distance.

  8. I'm in New Canaan, about 20mins from White Plains so not too far away.


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