Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Run/GHD/Hip Extension

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Hip Extensions


  1. Mikey: Divorce and Driver's licenses and license plates are governed state by state by domicle. Domicle is usually where you have lived for 60 days and intend to keep on living. They want you to get a license and plates for the tax revenue. Some states even have statutes that require it after a month of living there. Be careful, you should probably look into getting a Montana lifetime hunting and fishing license before you get those plates. You could find yourself in the fucked up situation of being a resident of Texas for license plates, and a resident of neither state for hunting and fishing priviledges for a year. With my lifetime license, I could move anywhere and still keep my Wyoming resident hunting and fishing privileges.

    WODoers: I hated this WOD. I rowed 500m and used a 25# plate for good morings. I experimented with the rower on damper settings between 1 and 5, and I just couldn't get it to go fast at all at a 20 to 24 stroke per minute rate. Took forever and I bet I cry if I sneeze tomorrow. tt= 29:33

    Chas: Welcome aboard. You and Fletcher should talk to Morey about the muscle up. He is a tall bastard too, and he got one by working at it.

  2. Just watched "Sisu", Mikko Salo is unreal, this years games should be interesting. I can't think of anyone who can match him, but every year there seams to be a different dark horse and I'd love to see what happens.

    Going to bed now... Later.

    WOD today will be...

    Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

    Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

    15 Minute rest then...

    For time:
    50% 1RM Snatch
    50% 1RM Clean & Jerk

    That's the plan, hope I don't feel burnt after working all night.

  3. I can name a couple dark horse candidates:

    Jacob Szafranski
    Myles Lewis

    Jacob your crazy 3 WOD's a day and insane times remind me alot of Mikko. I hope you both qualify because I know of at least 2 people who would make every effort to be there to watch you compete at the Games.

  4. Jacob, your training is quite similar to Mikko's. There is one big difference and maybe one small difference I noted, and I'm not sure if you can do anything about either of these.

    Guys, if you haven't seen this, it is a MUST see:


    The guy sleeps always 8 hours and sometimes 9-10 hours a night. The other thing is, "the cave" where he works out (one of the places he works out) always seemed to have old school super strong powerlifters in there. I'm sure Mikko has spent some time with these beasts. There was some 45 year old fat dude in there front squatting like 500 pounds, split jerking like 400, etc. A beast. Another guy was over there deadlifting 600.

    I watched the full hour thing last night while my daughter was in bed throwing up (sucked, hardly slept last night) and I was so inspired.

    Oh also, you need a bag full of concrete (or whatever it was) wrapped in duct tape for a med ball, then you can really be like Salo.

    His whole regimen and attitude was just a total tough guy thing, but without any ego. It was remarkable to watch. No fancy anything. Cold weather and raw grit and determination. "quitting is not an option for me", "I don't count the rounds, I just do the workout", stuff like that.

    The morning after doing three of the 08 games WOD's the day before he was not sore AT ALL he said, or tired, so his ability to recover is crazy. Also, his resting heart rate is THIRTY ONE. His doctor thought he was messed up, he said "no, this is normal for me"... that explains some of it. The guy is a freak, built for CrossFit. I wouldn't be surprised if he won again this year.

  5. Yeah that Mikko video was pretty cool. Very inspiring. So GHD situps are not fun, but got to do them. Finished
    Did some heaving snatch balance last night
    95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 205. Goal is 250 which should prime me for a 200+ snatch.
    After taking the Olympic lifing cert a few months ago, the guys said that if you want to get stronger you have to do them all the time. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day. Also kind hard to find decent ground to run on around here, kinda icy and slippery. Oh the muscle up takes a lot of practice and frustration. We have had 3 guys at our gym just this week finally get one. Once they got one they did like 4 in a row.
    I would like some heavy lifting tomorrow?

  6. My treadmill is busted although I probably would have rowed anyway. 500m rows, else as rx'd.

    21:25 - Fuck I thought I could get 20mins but transitions and ghd's just killed me for time.

    Cooldown was 3mins of swearing, saying goodbye to my abs for the rest of the week and looking for the nut I smashed the last round of BEs.

  7. RX'd 24:18

    Runs were on a treadmill because it hasn't stopped snowing in 3 days. We have close to 3 foot on the ground. 30 miles north of me they have over 4 feet. You have to love Central New York winters and lake effect snow. My freaking hamstrings are on fire. I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling this for a few days.

    Please give me some heavy lifting tomorrow. Myles good call on the Oly lifts. I'm going to start doing them more often. I like the idea of the snatch balance, because my regular snatch sucks.


  8. PS I agree with you Myles. My weights are getting dusty and I'd like to pick a lot of them up tomorrow.

  9. Good job men, damn good job. Chas, you got me beat here. Actually anything with lots of GHDs I am going to be slow at, and I may never know why. I do them strictly at least, I don't wuss out as much as I'd liek to I touch the floor every damn time. TT = 26:50. That's right, 26:50.

    Subbed 500M row for the runs. Running is not good to me, and I have a goal of being a good rower some day so I will tend towards rowing.

    I filmed the third round just for fun (have to put that pocket cam I got for Christmas to work). I might post it just for fun too. Maybe you guys can tell me why I am so damn slow on the GHDs? My lower back is numb still, anything with tons of BE's, HE's, or HBE's just beats my back up but I love it, and so do you. No alcohol two nights in a row, a feat for me. I also did some 5's of snatch, snatch balance, and OHS for my
    "goat" today. Light though, just working on form right now. I want to lift tomorrow too. I think we all do.

  10. Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 190-200-205-210-215-220(Failed)

    Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 140-145-150-155(Failed x3) Always caught it, couldn't stand!

    10/1 Alternating Ladder
    Snatch, 95lbs
    Clean and Jerk, 115lbs

    Jacob 14:11 Rx'd (Full Squat)

    Felt worthless today!

  11. Good to see everybody back and posting! Lots of good shit going on. Made it to the gym without getting pulled over on my mean bicycle tonight. And, I bought a head light, so hopefully that keeps the cs PD happy.

    1/2 Goat be Gone warmup +
    WOD as RX'ed with ball under ass feet hooked on bench for GHD

    TT = 24:20

    Lots of transition time across the gym from treadmill to BE/GHD, but felt real good. 2nd day on my version of Zone/Paleo. So far so good. Later fellas.


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