Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Clean Bench OHS


  1. WODoers: 8 degress in the old gym this am. That is some cold steel to be grabbing on to. I did clean and jerk to OHS. Work my way up to 185 and got then had 3 attempts at 200. I got all the way down twice and couldn't get it up and I think I missed full ROM on one by about an inch. Those heavy OHSs tax the central nervous system something fierce.

  2. Got motivated to lift this morning before the POW. Did these lifts all together. Clean for 5, then bench 5, OHS 5. Worked from 5,4,3,2,1. Finished with 220 clean & jerk PR, 250 bench (not near PR), 175 OHS PR

  3. Clean-195(pr): failed 3 times at 200. So f'ng close

    Bench Press-255: stopped here I can do more but shoulder got jacked last time we did heavy BP so I decided to go easy.

    OHS - 150(pr) I think I would have more confidence with heavier weight if I had the option to dump the weight. But since I do this inside my house that's a no go.

    I played around with the new jump rope afterwards. I know that sounds real exciting but that's the latest addition to my gym. All 6 dollars of it.

    Peace out fellas!

  4. I didn't make it all the way through this one - ran out of time. It's a good thing, though, because my nerves were shot by the time I had to scram. Something about going for 1RM on three different lifts, alone, with no bumpers...

    Anyway, tied my clean PR at 205#. BP hit a new PR at 210, up by 5. OHS, I only got to start my 1RM tries at 125 then had to call it. Still, I don't know how much higher I would have gone. It's been a while since I've done that lift.

  5. Been taking it easy the past few days. The double WOD day on Saturday wooped me. I have an 11 miler coming up this Saturday, and don't want to be too aweful sore for it. Looks like everyone has been busy and kicking some ass!! Keep up the good work boys!!

  6. Another frustrating day of cleans for me. Did this one before the "Row Heavy Thruster" make-up.

    Cleans - 195, 205fx6
    Bench - 245 solo, 255 spotted, 265f
    OHS - 135, last weight I felt comfortable with OH

    Overall a decent day. Later fellas.


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