Friday, January 1, 2010

Cindy or Mary


  1. WODoers:

    Happy New Year! I haven't been out with Cindy in a long time, so I picked her today. I did the pull ups with rings instead of a bar, and I even managed to do all the pullups unbroken. I didn't make my pr of 20 rounds though, but what a great way to start off a new year.

    17rd & 5pu 8pu

  2. I feel like I'm going to die and I'm not even done yet... ugh!

    Warm Up:
    Front Squat 15-10-5

    Jacob 135-165-185

    WOD 1
    Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 200-200-205-205-210-185-185-185-185-185

    WOD 2

    5 Rounds for time of:
    15 Overhead squats, 115lbs
    10 Burpees
    5 Deadlifts, 255lbs

    Jacob 15:22 Rx'd

    WOD 3
    5 Attmepts at 500m Row for time, followed by max rep ring push-ups. Rest as needed between movements and attemtps.

    Jacob 1:35/30, 1:38/30, 1:39/31...

  3. I had every intention of doing Mary today, but I thought it would do the shoulder more harm than good. So I chose Cindy instead. I never thought I would say this but pullups actually felt great today and I hate pullups. Pushups were a struggle again today.

    18 Rounds & 2 PU's, 2 rounds off my PR, oh well.

    Happy New Years guys!

    Peace out.

  4. Jacob, I just saw this pop up on my iPhone during my stretching.... so I am going to set up and do Reggie now. Thanks for the cool WOD!

    I need some work on OHS and Health Lift! I might do that rowing madness too, but I think I'll be plenty beat down after Reggie. Did you invent Reggie or is it a main site WOD that I've not seen?

  5. I came up with it... and it f'ed my $#!* up.



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